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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Learning differently from different people

    Tamil poet Avvaiar told in her poetry as ' Katrathu kaiyalavu kallaathathu ulagalavu' which means what we learnt is just to our fist size but the world size is to learn by us.
    Similarly two incidents made me to learn a thing differently.
    Three days back a person who casually talked with me in a bus told about the necessity of going to temple for worship though many are telling God is inside us. He explained in a simple way to me expressing the need of going to temple, We are watching a cinema in television in our house hall, though we like the picture well, there are many chances of getting disturbed through mobiles or guests etc., Even in mobiles or laptops we can see cinemas but the fullest satisfaction is come to us only if we in a cinema Hall. Similar to that we can worship God even by sitting in our pooja room but the pleasure we get from temple we cannot get in our house to that extent.

    Today I went to Sri Meenakshi Amman Temple at Madurai. A person when entering into the main place where the sannidhi located, a man by my side asked his friend why they made air condition in that area unnecessarily. The answer told by his friend, though very simple, made me to think.
    His friend told, 'See, we many are coming to temple for solace amidst many problems but when we enter into the shrine we got pleasure and unexplainable feeling when the air conditioned air blows on us. This is the simple reason for that arrangement and it makes us free from any worries and we can concentrate our mind towards God'.
  • #770582
    We can learn from anybody and anytime. One can't say that he/she is a senior citizen and hence no necessity or no way to learn. I have seen senior citizens learning and attending examinations. At the same time, we can't say that we can't learn from a person who is a junior to us. We can learn even from a small child.
    For any happening, there will be different reasons and it all depends on the person who analyses the happening. So when we discuss an incident with a person his understanding and his reasoning may be different from what you had in your mind. Whether to accept or not is the decision of the individual.

    always confident

  • #770584
    Age alone is not the criteria to offer us inputs relating to the learning of different concepts and from our juniors, we can get a lot of information with which we are not familiar. We need to be interested to know more details from different people including the junior ones.

    In that respect, we should not be rigid enough considering the age of the person.
    I have learned different tools on the computer from my granddaughter and the way she has explained me is quite satisfying to me. I would not have felt that much comfort in case I used lessons from other sources.

    To conclude, anybody can be your master provided you are sincere enough to learn regardless of age discrimination.

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