Hard work versus smart work
What do you all think - which is more required these days?As per my personal experience, I have been given suggestions to do smart work rather than hard work. This smart work also includes working on yourself which is good also as it boosts one's confidence but it also includes being extra nice (buttering) to your seniors for getting promotions. My superior also gave me the same suggestion to be extra sweet (buttering) to my acting head for good increments as by only doing hard work I am not getting fruitful results and ultimately I am the sufferer. Yes, it does affect me a lot. I do feel inferior and depressed for the same reason but at the same time, it's against my ego to do buttering. I know my hard work gives me results lately when all the charm of achieving a particular thing dies. Because I cannot do both hard and smart work. So how to handle this situation? Kindly give genuine suggestions that I can also implement to overcome this problem.