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This thread is the co-winner in the Thread of the Fortnight contest for 16th to 31st Mar '23.
  • Category: Miscellaneous

    How long should a person not accept defeat?

    There is no end to the struggles in life, and this is probably the story of everyone's life. Every time we feel that this challenge is the biggest and we continue to struggle with it, it seems that after completing this challenge, maybe life will become easier, but does it happen? Challenges keep going on one after the other and we keep fighting because we are not allowed to lose. But how long a person should not give up, is a matter to think about. If one or the other obstacles repeatedly come in the way of achieving a destination, should a person understand that maybe the destination is not for him/her at all, and he should change direction? Or should they keep moving in the decided direction whether they get to the destination or not?

    In life's challenges, sometimes showing courage to accept defeat is right or is it considered to be cowardly? What is your Opinion?
  • #771807
    Life is full of challenges, and sometimes it can be difficult to know when to keep fighting and when to change direction. It's important to remember that setbacks and obstacles are a part and parcel of this game called life and towards any goal, and it is often through facing these challenges that we learn and grow the most.

    At the same time, it's important to recognize when a particular path may not be right for us. If we continue to face repeated obstacles and difficulties, it may be a sign that we need to reassess our goals and consider other options. This does not mean that we are giving up, rather, it is a courageous decision to acknowledge our limitations and seek a better way forward.

    Ultimately, the decision to continue pursuing a goal or change direction depends on the individual and the specific circumstances. It's important to listen to our inner voice and seek guidance from trusted friends (few in most of the cases) or mentors when making these kinds of decisions. We should also try to be kind to ourselves and remember that setbacks and failures are opportunities to learn and grow, rather than signs of weakness or defeat.

    "Unlock the treasure trove of knowledge's delight,
    Discover the world with wondrous insight."

  • #771818
    Life is a journey in which challenges will come. We have to face them in light of our objectives and goals. We cannot ignore them. They are the part and parcel of our lives.
    How much one should pursue the objectives inspite of getting repeated failures is a question that is very difficult to answer but in our journey of life we always have to take corrective measures and change our plans and even change our objectives depending on the new circumstances and situations.
    Correcting and redefining our objectives will always be there as a dynamic process throughout the journey of our life. That approach is essential if we want to be successful in our lives.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #771825
    We should fight till we are successful. That is what I feel. When we set a goal and start our journey to reach the goal, naturally the road may not be smooth always. We may have to face hardships and sometimes we may fail also. After failure, we should review the whole process and see where we went wrong and the error there should be corrected to move forward. But sometimes, our priorities may change and we may concentrate on some other job. So our focus may get shifted. But when we have time we should think about the work that is kept and should attempt again.
    Challenges in life are very common and we can't run away from them. Tides will be there always in the ocean. If you want to have a bath in the ocean you should learn to move with the tides. Sometimes we may not be able to perform at the expected level. That should not make us feel that we have lost. We should keep moving always.

    always confident

  • #771826
    Life is a challenge and challenges will never end in life. In my opinion, we should fight till the last breath. We should not accept defeat and always try to fight against it. We would fail sometimes but it teaches us lessons not to do these things again. So, failure is the first step to success.

    It is right to compromise sometimes to maintain relationships but it is not our defeat. It is our victory that we would be able to maintain the relationship. Compromise is also a main and important aspect of life and we should know it for a successful life.

    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #771828
    So long as we are alive, we will have to face challenges of both the forms severe or light. Whatever the situation might be, we are lucky in the sense we do have our intuitions to guide us which could be the best option under a given situation. Suppose we are going through a bike and are coming across some dangerous situation, the leg would shift to the brake pad immediately which our own intuition suggests to do so instantly. In that sense our mind is very alert giving us proper support in the critical situations.
    However, there might be some hurdles sometimes with our earlier plans and the same needs to be reviewed immediately to achieve our desired targets. This sort of flexibility is definitely applied to get the work done. We can be masters in taking appropriate steps with our vast storage of experience already achieved doing some jobs. What we need is to look our insights to get the appropriate solutions in a given situation.

  • #771886
    Facing a defeat should never been felt bad as it is a common to any one as if one have to win the others should be in the facing stage of defeat. This is a cycle and the winner may face defeat and the defeat facer can face winning on the next stage. One cannot be expected to face win or defeat again and again. By keeping this in mind one should run the life of competition.

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