After a pretty long gap, we are introducing a new feature called "Knowledge Center" in ISC. In a nutshell, this feature resembles "Quora". In the case of ISC, this combines the features of "Ask Experts" and "Articles" into a new, single section.Going forward, most of our revenue opportunities will be focused on this new section. You will earn cash for each of the answers you submit. Our editors will individually evaluate each answer and assign cash.
The Knowledge Center will have 2 types of content:
1. Topics - these are just one-line titles/questions
2. Answers - anybody can post answers to any of these topics/questions. Cash rewards and various other rewards will be given to members for posting answers.
Some highlights of this new feature:
1. This new section will be exclusively on topics related to education, admission, campus life, competitive exams, higher studies, overseas education, education loans or anything related to studying in schools/colleges.
2. This new section will have features similar to Articles but multiple people may add their content (mini article or answer) under each topic.
3. While in the "Ask Experts" section any member can post any number of Answers, in the Knowledge Center, each member can contribute only 1 answer. More than an Answer, you will be adding "Content" to each topic. If the topic is a question, you can add content in the form of answers. if the topic is a general subject, you can add your own mini-article under the topic.
4. In the articles section, each member can create his own articles with his own titles. In this new section, "Titles" are independent of the content. You can add content to any title even if the titles are created by someone else.
5. Even though anybody can create "Titles", they do not really own the title. Titles will become a common entity which allows anyone to come to add content to it. Free to create any number of Titles, relevant to the subject. The author's name will not be displayed with the titles since titles become common property once approved.
6. The author's name will be displayed with the content added by each member. Points, CC, AdSense revenue sharing, Revenue Share Bonus and many other reward programs will be applicable only for Content added to the topics.
In a nutshell, this new feature is a "Quora" within ISC but with the exclusive advantage of a lot of rewards and prizes for the contributors.
Currently, this new feature is in trial mode and is taking answers. Feel free to start contributing.
NOTE: In future, we may discontinue the "Ask Experts" section since this new feature has all the features currently in "Ask Experts". When we discontinue any of the old features, any points/cash credits earned from those sections will remain and will not be cancelled.
To get started, look for existing titles that are interesting for you. If you don't find suitable titles, just go ahead and add your TOPIC.
If you have any questions, please post them below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do we get points and cash credits for posting Topics (Titles) & Answers? You will get both cash credits and points for posting answers. But there are no points or cash credits for posting titles/topics. |
What is the advantage of posting topics/titles? You will get an opportunity to create your own title to post your own Answer/Content under it. At the same time, others also can post content under the titles created by you. |
How many answers can I post under 1 title? Each person can post only 1 answer/content under each topic. But you can edit and revise it at any time. Any number of members can post answers under each topic. |
Is there any moderation/editing for the answers? Answers will instantly appear in the site (like Quora) but will be moderated later. Editors may edit points/cc and delete answers. |
What will happen if I post poor/wrong/misleading answers? Such answers will be deleted. In addition, our editors may block you from posting further answers. |
Is the Ask Experts section discontinued? After March 2023, we may not accept new questions and answers in Ask Experts section. |
Is the Articles section discontinued? At this time, it is not discontinued. However, we are reducing the visibility of the Articles section temporarily so that members will focus more on Knowledge Centre. |
Will I get revenue share bonus for contributing Content in Knowledge Centre? Yes, starting from April 2023, we will include this section for Revenue Share Bonus. |
What kind of topics are accepted in the Knowledge Centre? We accept topics that are relevant and related to the student community. We encourage topics related to admissions, courses, education, campus life, study abroad, career guidance, colleges, schools, universities etc |
How many answers I can post for 1 topic? Every member can post only one answer to each topic. If more than one answer is attempted, the earlier answer to the same topic will get updated. |
Is there any limit on number of topics and number of answers per day? No, there are no daily/weekly/monthly limits on the topics and answers one can post. However, if the editors reject your answers/topics, an automatic temporary ban will be placed on you, which will be again revoked automatically after a few days. |
How much money I can earn from an answer? Each answer will be reviewed by the editors manually and an amount will be credited by the editor. The amount can vary anywhere between Rs 0 to Rs 100 per answer, depending on the quality of content, relevance and accuracy of the answer, reputation level of the author and many other factors. We will not be able to provide the exact reason for awarding a certain amount to each answer. |
Can I promote my business through my answer? Yes, we allow limited promotions, provided the answer is relevant to the question, useful to the readers, adds value to this website and our editors decide that the answer is worth keeping. |