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  • Category: Announcements

    Discontinuing Ask Experts section

    Dear ISC family,

    As part of streamlining and realigning our features and rewards programs, we are discontinuing the Ask Experts section. This will be replaced with our new Knowledge Center.

    All points and cash credits earned in the Ask Experts section will remain there. All existing posts will be reviewed. New questions will be stopped with immediate effect. New answers also will be stopped eventually. As of now, we will continue editing new answers in the Ask Experts section until further notice. However, we encourage everyone to switch to the Knowledge Centre instead of the Ask Experts section.
  • #772047
    This change has been made to get more views and more ads. The Webmasters and top-level Editors will definitely review the change after three months, six months or/and one year. As an almost part-time member, who is no longer in the race of scoring points or earning cash, I have absolutely no comments to make in this regard.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #772048
    I appreciate this step of the Webmaster as he knows well about SEO and he always tries to change the features according to conditions and situations. I hope this step will attract more visitors to the site and hope that more members will be included in our family (ISC).
    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #772051

    It is obvious and logical that knowledge centre will now replace some of the existing activities in other sections. I hope that when the transition is complete we will be in a better position. We will now be contributing more in knowledge centre and as many topics are available there so there should not be any problem for us in making our comments, observations, or adding knowledge elements there.
    Whenever a new pattern is drawn and parts of old pattern are removed then there is a transition state going through which we can't make any predictions but when things are done with due diligence and proper pondering generally results would be brighter. I wish and hope that knowledge Central will take ISC to new heights.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #772054
    It is an apt decision only. Whatever questions are asked earlier in the AskExperts section can be placed in the Knowledge Centre section and members can place their answers there. Absolutely ok. But now the questions should be related to the education field only. This is what members should remember.
    As mentioned by the other members', changes are inevitable and we have to go with the wind. So Changes are to be welcomed. The reviewing process will be there and as and when there is a need again some other changes are to be brought or we can go back to the old format.
    I am a regular contributor to the Ask Experts section and now I have to start visiting Knowledge Centre regularly and place my answers and questions there. I hope now the traffic to Knowledge Centre will increase and will give a boost to the site. All the best to ISC.

    always confident

  • #772060
    The latest change is welcome and the contributors would accept the new format and contributions will follow accordingly. We are loosing the most popular section - Ask Experts but the contents to written in that forum will certainly follow in knowledge centre. Hence in that way, contributors might get relief.
    Knowledge Centre would appear to be boon for the readers getting apt informations in the different platforms but the length of the contribution has to restricted keeping in mind that the article should be of mini type. Here the contributors would provide essential points with which they would be dealing in but in the precise manner.
    In the time ahead, we could visualise how knowledge centre will take its shape. All the best to ISC for such an effort.

  • #772070
    Dear Tony Sir,

    Appreciating your endeavour. Both Ask expert and knowledge centre are hand to hand entities and that need to be merged. It is good that all points and cash credits earned in the Ask expert wont go in vain. Hope the newly started knowledge centre becomes the power house of ISC.

    With warm regards

    "Unlock the treasure trove of knowledge's delight,
    Discover the world with wondrous insight."

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