Reduce, reuse and recycle. Ameliorate the environment
Mother earth gives us fresh air, water and a place to live on. Trees are helping us to keep the environment safe by scrubbing waste gases and giving us fresh air. But we are not happy with this and we are trying to be happier with modern methods of living. But in that pursuit, we are all forgetting that we are deteriorating the condition of the environment.We use many electrical appliances and other items to lead a happy life. Because of this plastic usage has increased and consequently, a lot of plastic waste is being generated. This plastic waste is not biodegradable and one has to burn it to reduce the waste on the earth. This has become a source of greenhouse gases which are polluting the atmosphere. Unless otherwise, we all follow the principle of reducing, reusing and recycling, the environmental pollution will become high and our existence here will become a question mark.
We are all thinking that technology is ameliorating our living styles. But we are not noticing the hazards associated with it. No doubt we should use technological developments for our betterment. But at the same time, we should not forget about the importance of the environment
If you really want to ameliorate the condition of the environment follow this principle ' Reduce, reuse and recycle".
Reduce the usage of plastic to the minimum possible extent. Try to use the item as many times as possible without throwing it out after a single use. At the same time recycle the plastic waste without burning it and use the plastic generated by recycling the old one. Recently DRDO has developed a new type of plastic. This plastic is biodegradable and they are giving technology to interested parties to manufacture the same. Encourage such plastic items. These steps will ameliorate the environment and human beings will have a safe atmosphere to live on this planet.
Our ancestors gave us a neat and clean environment for our existence. So it is our basic responsibility to hand over the same to the next generations. We all should work towards that goal. So start practising an environmentally friendly lifestyle and ameliorate the environment.
This is my entry for the
Topic based Thread of the Week contest for Mar '23 -topic- 'Ameliorate'