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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Even the good leaders will not succeed if the implementing agencies below are not honest

    In any political system, it is necessary that the political leaders, as well as the implementing agencies below, should work properly honestly sincerely and for the well-being of the nation. Anything lacking in this combination will be detrimental to our growth and development.

    An honest leader can guide the country on the right path and can do a lot for the nation but the problem is that if some of the implementing agencies below are not honest and do different types of manipulations to make money then the real benefit of nation building would not be derived.
    What are your thoughts on this? Please share your views.
  • #772117
    Leadership is a complex and multi-faceted process, and many factors contribute to whether a plan or initiative is successful or not.a leader who is transparent, communicative, and open to feedback can identify and address problems with implementing agencies before they become major obstacles togood leader can set the vision, provide direction, and motivate their team to achieve success, but ultimately, the success of any plan or initiative depends on the people responsible for implementing it. If those individuals or agencies are not honest, trustworthy, and competent, they may undermine the leader's efforts, fail to carry out tasks effectively, or even engage in corrupt or unethical behavior that harms the organization or the community.
    Service to mankind is service to God.

  • #772120
    If the implementing agency is weak not honest enough to implement the right policies in time, people could see its impacts ultimately. There are a lot of factors behind the success of a plan such as transparency in communication, effective communication of the leaders and the ways how the leaders could forth their ideas before the public. The leaders should have farsightedness in their approaches.
    Now coming to the part how the plans can be successful would depend upon the attitudes of the implementing agency. If they are not honest enough and competent, the results could be otherwise. Hence the implementing agency must have their own visions to make the plans successful apart from sincerity of leaders.

  • #772138
    If the top boss is honest, I think he can make his subordinates also work properly. If the Chief Minister is not corrupt, other ministers also will not be corrupt.
    But if the Chief Minister is corrupt, his subordinates will also become corrupt. Even an honest man also may have to get money for satisfying his boss. A leader should lead from the front and he should be an example for other people. A good leader should know how to get the work done by his subordinate agencies. Otherwise, it will be his failure only, I feel.
    Anyhow, a leader, his subordinates and all the parties involved should be honest. A dishonest person can spoil the reputation of the whole organisation. A small piece of salt in a pot of milk will spoil the whole milk. But a leader will have a strong say in the culture of the whole organisation.

    always confident

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