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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    After every pain, there is a relief

    After the winter's frosty doldrums, spring awakens bruised souls, refreshes frosty minds and instills positivity and hope for a better life. Seasonal changes keep life kicking and alive. Just like seasons change, rough patches in life also pass eventually. Even the darkest phases of life give way to a brighter future. No matter how intense the difficulty is, time pampers every pain and every discomfort. Just as Spring ignites hope and positivity among dull minds, in the same way, seasons transform to provide a better bloom and new dimension to the world. After every dark night, there is a brighter future.
  • #772175
    Very right. One dull season changes and another comes and brings it's joy with it. Our lives are also like that in which good and bad situations alternate and sometimes we are happy while other times we are sad. We find value in happiness only when we have gone through sorrowful times.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #772179
    This is a very optimistic write-up from the author. I fully agree with his statement. Relief is there to wish after every pain. Every night will be followed by a day. Rain will be greeting us after the severe summer. Sometimes during summer, we can witness some rain. We will feel the pain when we have pain but the relief will make us forget the pain we had earlier. Otherwise, life will become horrible.
    Be hopeful always. If there is no darkness in life we never know the value of the light. Pain only will give us an idea of how happiness will be different from pain. Human life is a combination of pain and relief. happiness and sorrowfulness. We should take them positively and try to enjoy our lives to the maximum extent possible. We all should remember that there is no replay button in our lives. We should always live with the hope that the coming days will be much better than today.

    always confident

  • #772183
    Life is definitely the mixture of sorrowful and pleasurable events alternating to each other and we need to think in that perspective. We normally have the nervous breakdown in the extreme pain and this could be so much painful at times that we forget even that the next moment will follow a pleasant mood providing us instant relief.
    We can certainly alleviate our pains with the positive thoughts. We must remember the proverb that there is light at the end of the tunnel. This proverb holds good in our practical life. We need to understand the philosophy of our life.

  • #772185
    Indeed, life is not a bed of roses. It is full of ups and downs, challenges, and difficulties that we all must face. We may encounter obstacles in our personal or professional lives, and we may have to overcome them with determination, perseverance, and resilience.

    However, it is also important to remember that life is not only about challenges and difficulties. It is also filled with moments of joy, love, and happiness that we should cherish and appreciate. The key is to approach life with a positive attitude and to keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

    Service to mankind is service to God.

  • #772196
    That is a beautiful sentiment and a great reminder that life is full of ups and downs, but ultimately, the difficult times will pass. It's important to hold onto hope and stay optimistic, even in the darkest of times. Just as the seasons change and bring new growth and renewal, so too can we find new beginnings and fresh starts after challenging times. It's all about perspective and staying focused on the positive aspects of life, even when things seem bleak. Thank you for sharing this uplifting message.
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