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  • Category: Problems/Complaints

    Request to editor - knowledge centre

    Yesterday (02.03.2023) while posting a new topic I inadvertantly touched the submit button and incomplete topic was submitted.
    The correct topic is -
    'I am a graduate. What to do next?'.
    I request the concerned editor to please correct the same. Thanks.
  • #772191

    The editors have been notified about the issue. Please wait for an update on this issue and by that time keep posting new topics and content to the topics.


    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #772201
    You should be able to see the question in the "My Topics"
    Tony John
    Webmaster -

  • #772204
    Tony John:
    Yes, I am seeing and commenting also. But not able to submit new topics. Please look into the matter. Thanks.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #772206

    This thread's issue is about the inability to correct an incorrect topic. When you go to 'My Topics', you will see the topic you submitted, and the edit button to correct it. Have you been able to do so? The issue of the inability to raise more topics is a different one altogether. Let's be clear, first, about the initial issue!

    The other issue can be raised, as LE Saji Ganesh informed you, in the other common thread for issues related to the section.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #772208
    >> But not able to submit new topics.

    Umesh, what do you mean by unable to post? Are you getting any error?

    Tony John
    Webmaster -

  • #772209
    Tony John:
    I am able to give my response / comment / answer to the topics. There is no problem in that.
    But when I am raising a new topic (generally a one liner) it is giving error message and a big red circle on the top is there on the page restricting me to do that.

    That edit thing is ok. Understood.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #772211
    Where is the edit button? I don't see any for my topics. Attaching a screenshot for reference.
    Patience and perseverance pays

    Delete Attachment

  • #772214

    As far as I see, there is no edit button for submitted topic. It need to be added I guess. Webmaster kindly look into it. However, once we add content to the related topic, editing is possible after submission. This is what I found.

    Thanks & regards

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    Discover the world with wondrous insight."

  • #772227
    There is an edit button. It will appear to the author only. Go to the KC section. Below super contributors, you will find "My Topics" and "My Answers". Click on My Answers. You will find the list of the answers you have submitted. Open the answer you want to edit. You will see the Edit button by the side of your name and date. Click on that and you can edit. I have edited some of my answers using this edit button. Now you can try I think.
    always confident

  • #772255
    Dr Rao, the Edit button for the answers is fine. It is there and we can edit them. The issue here is about the edit button for the topics we submit. If we erroneously submit a topic, there is no option to edit it.

    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #772261
    Yes that is exactly one of the problems.
    The second which I am still facing is when I want to add a new topic then I am getting the page in which some message and a big round red circle is coming telling me that you are restricted to do that. I hope webmaster would be solving that problem soon.

    Knowledge is power.

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