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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Water bodies are life-saving reserves, without them survival is difficult!

    Water bodies are crucial water reserves in the world that fulfil the water requirements of living organisms in the world. Life is made of water and survival without water is impossible. Therefore, it is crucial to take care of our water resources and make sure the water is clean and drinkable for the masses. Despite knowing the fact that water is an essential component of life, a massive waste material-sewerage, plastic, polyethene and chemicals like pesticides contaminate the water bodies and cause a great threat to life.
    Plastic use has become normal for people now and their waste is thrown into rivers and streams and oceans depleting the water reserves. Pesticides use in orchards also get mixed with water and create a problem for human life. Waste material produced from homes is thrown into the water bodies also manipulates water reserves. Water is life, every drop of it counts and without it, survival is impossible. It is everyone's responsibility to save water bodies and stop destroying water resources. Water bodies are life-saving reserves, without them survival is difficult!
  • #772240
    Right point by the author. I am sorry I am unable to avoid in saying about our people of yester years.

    In those days I have seen people close the street side water taps if they happened to see water flowing without persons. They never pollute or even wash their cloths in the water reserves meant for drinking. Even some bigshots of the village have constructed common well for the public usage (my grand father too constructed on common well in his koodalur village).

    But presently many of us wasting the water as anything, polluting the water reserves by throwing plastics, toileting near the water reserves etc., by thinking that they meant for somebody else.

    Further we should avoid washing hands, bathing and eaten plates directly from water taps instead we can consume water for that purposes by taking in mugs from the water stored in tubs or buckets so that the consumption would be less and avoid pouring waste.

  • #772245
    We have witnessed the irresponsible attitudes of people throwing wastes in the different water reservoirs just to get rid of the same without minding its ill effects on our health. There are people throwing plastics, and other pollutants in the water stream. There is no due consideration of the side effects of such irresponsible acts.
    The other negligent attitudes commonly seen in many public are their irresponsible attitudes not closing the taps if the same found leaking in the vicinity of roadsides. A little precaution could save the water reserves for its subsequent use for the constructive purposes.
    Water requirements have multiplied manifold due to surge of population and hence more care is needed to preserve this resources and every care is needed to arrest its preserve it for the rational usage.

  • #772246
    Water is a must for our survival on this earth. Nature has given us water and air. Our ancestors treated them as Gods and maintained an environmental balance and handed over clean earth. But the quest for happiness and a luxurious lifestyle made man go for modifying nature with his own thought process. In this process, we are seeing many problems.
    Waterbodies are not supposed to be closed and used for housing. Even catchment areas also should be protected. But now the people in government are closing water reservoirs and giving that land for building construction. This is a big problem in the coming days.
    Rainwater harvesting is a very important issue and we should all give importance to this. In addition to this one should not throw plastic into water bodies. In fact, we should follow the practice of reducing, recycling and reusing formulas for plastic items usage.

    always confident

  • #772250
    Water is the elixir of our lives. It is the most valuable commodity and we should conserve it and should not waste it at any cost.
    Parents should inculcate good water conservation habits in the minds of their children. If we all collectively tell the younger generation about it then they will follow and water will not be wasted.
    Government also does a lot of things for water conservation but citizens contribution is also very important in this matter.

    Knowledge is power.

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