How many of you aware about your neighbors
In those days there has been no deviation in the neighborhood living. Every body offered their helps for any good and bad of any one house in that area.That too during any marriage function in those days, they solemnized their house marriages or functions in house only. For this all house members in that row came to help them for every step in that function including cooking, preparing sweets etc., and all the days all house members are unitedly did the function as their own house function.
Besides this many people gave their house keys to the neighbors after locking when going out either for short time or long time.
But to the contrary, now nobody knows their neighbors and they shrink themselves in the name of privacy or 'no time'. In many apartments very few know each other.
We during the train or bus journey, we exchange our mobile numbers or address details in order to please others though we forget them as soon as alight from the bus or train.
Almost all of us do not have a good communication contact with our neighbors and even have their contact numbers even for emergency.