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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Isnt it enough to submit Tenant Police veification report to Housing Societies in Maharashtra?

    Some RWA/Housing societies insist on Agreement originals or photocopies despite Police Verification report photocopies.

    For Tenants Police Verification along with Rental Agreement; both parties Govt ID are provided.

    Issue with Society Committees is many of they have these Gated Community Apps and many are sharing rental agreement details with them(even though they promise and by law are bound to keep is protected)

    Under which Bye-Law any Housing Committee can insist on Rent agreement when Tenant Police Verification copy is already submitted?
  • #772300
    I don't know much about the bye-laws of the Housing committee. But earlier once I had a discussion on this subject with a lawyer. One of my relatives got transferred to Hyderabad. He searched for a house. The owner of the house asked for both. Then we asked a lawyer about this. The lawyer told me that these two documents are different. The police verification certificate is to know about the head of the family to whom the house is being rented. The rent agreement is to avoid misunderstandings afterwards. This agreement will mention all the rules and regulations applicable during the stay of the tenant in that house. Hope this information may be useful to you. Hence I have given this.
    always confident

  • #772301
    Thanks a lot Dr NV Srinivasa Rao for your valuable comments on topic.

    For Tenant Police Verification; landlord is already submitted both parties Signed copy of rental agreement to respective Police station along with other mandatory document photocopies.

    So all the terms of rent-condition of property etc... everything is with police station records.

    Data privacy is something which no RWA can be trusted mainly after these mobile apps for gated communities who collect so much sensitive data like Visitors profiles; What you order and When on top of it now your rent agreements possibility of getting to them means more analytical revenue streams for them.

    I am sure Individuals have rights to protect their confidential data; and one of thee highest Law enforcing authority like Police Dept has verified all documents and duly signed n stamped Verification certificate should be more than sufficient is my point.

  • #772307
    Housing society will generally ask for the rent agreement copy from the owner or tenent whatever the case maybe. They do it to avoid any complication later if the tenant does not vacate the house and create disturbance in the society. This is a very common practice in all the societies.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #772311
    Landlord has given. They can manage with that. But to avoid future complications and to verify the signature on the copies submitted by both parties the housing societies are asking for this. I think as already the information is with them. we need not hesitate to submit the same, I feel. Opinions may differ.
    always confident

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