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  • Category: Problems/Complaints

    Regarding cash payment

    I have uploadedthe filled invoice on 2nd April for payment in March month. But it has not been credited to my account till now. Kindly look into this matter.
  • #772356
    Sanchita, the payments might have been delayed due to the Easter celebrations. The Webmasters have been informed and hopefully they will start releasing the payments without further delay.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #772360
    I also uploaded my invoice on the same day and my money is also not deposited in my account. I think the same will be deposited within the next 6 to 7 days. I think the same is the case with all.
    always confident

  • #772592
    Cash has not been credited to my account till now for March month.

  • #772606
    I received my payment today. Thanks to ISC for the same. I think others might also have got it today.
    always confident

  • #772616
    Sanchita, please confirm whether you have received the payment.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #772619
    I have not yet received my payment. Kindly do remind the ISC admin regarding this issue.

  • #772620
    Thank you timmy sir for prompt action. I received my payment today.

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