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  • Category: Requests

    Help from editors to bypass this restriction in Knowledge Centre

    For the past few days whenever I try to post anything in Knowledge Centre, it restricts me to go ahead. Could I request editors/webmasters to bypass this restriction, please?

    Also like to know the limit of posting questions and responses in the Knowledge Center.
  • #772579

    There is no limit on how many topics/answers you can post until you are banned from the section. Also, if your topics/answers are repeatedly deleted, you will get an automatic ban for few days.

    Can you explain what happens when you try to answer?

    Tony John
    Webmaster -

  • #772580
    Tony Sir,
    Thanks for the reply.
    It is not allowing me to post any questions/responses.
    Yesterday and today I responded to just one-one posts and it got restricted.
    It directly goes to the following message:

    Restricted Access

    And Below all long msg containing: Restricted Access

    You have reached here for one of the following reasons:
    Your posting rights in this section is temporarily restricted since 5 or more of your posts in last 5 days were rejected for various reasons.
    Sometimes, you may have posted great content, but may have violated our posting policies which resulted in rejection of your posts.

    This is an automatic temporary restriction applicable only in this section. Your rights will be automatically restored after few days, once you pass the 5 rejections in last 5 days period. However, if you repeat the mistakes or continue posting low quality content, your posting rights may be permanently removed.

    If the 5 rejections happened due to any technical reasons and not for violation of posting policies, you may contact us through the forum asking for help from editors to bypass this restriction.

    "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X

  • #772581
    This is an automatic restriction which will be revoked automatically after 5 days. The reason is, your past posts are deleted by the editors.

    Please go through the posting guidelines and make sure you are posting topics/answers that adhere to the guidelines and policies.

    Tony John
    Webmaster -

  • #772582

    I just looked at your topic and answer submissions. You have 1 deleted answer and 5 deleted topics.

    Your topics are mostly discussion topics. The KC section is not for discussion topics but are mostly for questions (doubts or article topics) & answers. You need to wait for a few days before you can post any more topics.

    For now, click on the topics and submit answers. There will not be any restrictions for you in posting answers since you have one deleted answer.

    Tony John
    Webmaster -

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