Arvind Kuril,
Let me make things more clear-
First of all, the topics that you are posting in the new section are more suitable for forum discussions (only those related to academics, of course). In the KC section, you could look at the current ones and get an idea of suitable topics. Anything related to professional courses, admissions, study abroad, careers, scholarships, etc is good enough for the new section.
Secondly, do not submit an answer to the topic till it is approved. You will know that it is approved once it appears under 'submit an answer now'. Optionally, you can check under 'My Topics'. When you click on 'Add content to this topic' and you are able to do so, then submit; otherwise, the status of the topic will show as deleted, and the message that the topic currently does not accept answers (as mentioned by you in your response #772698 above).
Thirdly, if you are coming up with a topic like the KG one in the forum, as Sankalan pointed out, you need to bring more clarity to what you are trying to convey instead of some vague generalized text. What you are trying to say is likely that playschools are sprouting everywhere and whether they are really beneficial in educating the child (I think though that this has been discussed in the forum earlier so no use having a repeat discussion on it). KG classes are part of the formal schooling system, so I don't think that is what you meant.
If you still require further guidance, let us know. We'll be glad to help.
When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell