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  • Category: Suggestions

    Fruitful discussions in forum is drying up due to content restriction.

    I personally being an ardent enthusiast for the growth of ISC as an education platform is worried about the content quality/discussions in the forum of this site nowadays! After the site being restricted to education related contents only, the focus is shifting towards KC which is a good sign but on the flip side, fruitful discussions are missing in forum. This is what I feel.

    This can be due to various reasons especially may due to content scarcity (education related content) or members may think that the same intended content for forum may be well suited for KC which attracts more appreciation than in forum. Even I too had similar thoughts.

    What are your opinion dear forum members?
  • #772746
    This point should have ideally been posted as a suggestion in this restriction thread. However, it is being allowed as a separate thread so that members can post their views and suggestions on the lack of vibrancy in the forum section after the restrictions were put in place.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #772753
    Content restrictions now leading to a decrease in the amount of discussion in a forum. Agree! This can happen because most of users feel that their ability to express themselves freely is being limited and due to number of rules running in background which can discourage them from participating in the conversation.

    However, it is important to remember that content restrictions are often put in place to promote a positive and respectful discussion environment. Without them, conversations can quickly devolve into personal attacks or offensive language, which can make it difficult for people to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

    Learn one more language and you will feed your brain the top nutrition!
    - Geeta

  • #772768
    I think this is a temporary phase and is happening because it was announced that during the month of April 2023, Knowledge Centre will be given special preference over other sections. Once April is over then based on the April experience further announcements might be there from which we will be able to redistribute our contributions in the desired sections accordingly and then the situation in the Forum section will also improve.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #772770
    It might be the initial phase where we all members are in the state of confusion thinking that forum postings might not be attractive but we should move on to knowledge centre. Now the month of April is about to close within a couple of days.
    My observation for the entire month says that there has been declination of the number of threads posted in the Forum Section. This might be the experimental stage and soon it will pick up as seen in the past. Hope that normalcy would restore soon with more vibrational postings.

  • #772771
    It is going downhill fast-really very fast.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #772773
    The issue is under consideration of the Admin and we are discussing the possibilities of reviving the forum section with some changes. Please wait for the final decision.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #772783
    Discussing the issues related to only education in the forum section will definitely reduce the activity here. When the forum section is allowing all topics also we have seen a reduction in the number of threads due to the absence of some active members. But slowly we have seen some momentum. But now it has become much more inactive. All topics related to education are getting covered in Knowledge Centre items. Members are contributing actively there. So as mentioned by the author many members may be feeling that the content restriction is the main reason for this less activity in the forum section. I agree with that. Things may improve shortly, I hope.
    always confident

  • #772893
    Happy to know that forum section in Social Village site is trying to be active with the new Webmaster in place. One Mr. Apurva Tamhane along with the existing WM - Ms. Vandana. The WM of Social Village has announced points and credits for May 2023. Hope ISC forum members here are aware of this announcement.
    "Unlock the treasure trove of knowledge's delight,
    Discover the world with wondrous insight."

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