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  • Category: General

    Teachers are key role players in making the future of society

    A student in his primary class will learn from the teacher and what the teacher says is always correct. If somebody else says what the teacher told is wrong, a student will never believe it. His words will make a significant impact on the minds of the students. He will carry those words for a long time. So a teacher will play a key role in making the future of the society.

    We all know that today's students are tomorrow's youth. Tomorrow's youth is the day after tomorrow's leaders. So making the students understand what is right and what is wrong, a teacher will have an important role. That is why I feel a teaching job is not a job but a service to be rendered by them in such a way that their students will make the best possible society in the coming days.
  • #773206
    If we talk to our kids, we will discover that the kids consider their teachers more learned and they cannot be wrong in their teaching sessions. They have so much faith in them that they would not accept that the notes provided by the teacher contain some minor errors and accordingly the mistakes need to be corrected.However to make them realise of such mistakes, the parents find that it is not a smooth session to make them understand. Though they ultimately realise the mistakes but by the time, the kids realise there is a considerable loss of time.

  • #773209
    Good teachers can definitely guide their students in a correct learning path and such students eventually make a good career. A good teacher is actually like a mentor and guide who can significantly change the life of a young student.
    In our culture the teacher is given a place even before the God because it is the teacher who shows us the path to attain God.
    A good teacher can not only make a student to learn a subject but can also motivate and inspire him to do best in his career and life.

    Knowledge is power.

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