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  • Category: Reward Programs

    Changes in Revenue Share Bonus from June 2023

    Hi all,

    Starting from June 2023, the Revenue Share Bonus will be shared as follows:

  • INR 5000/- will be shared among the top 20 contributors during the month

  • Contributions from Knowledge Centre, Forum and Resources sections will be considered for RSB

  • This scheme will continue in the coming months as well unless we announce a change in plan

  • Any members involved in posting AI-generated content, copied content, spun content, low quality content etc may be removed from the RSB program temporarily or permanently
  • #773492
    Good to know that the revenue share bonus will continue for at least three sections. Let us hope that in a few months, contributions to all other sections, too, get included and the RSB amount to be shared also increases over time. Nevertheless, members should continue to contribute to other sections as well to bring in good traffic and help in increasing the revenue of the site.
    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #773493
    I hope the college and the school section also gets included in the RSB soon. Do not know how, but lately, the views of my college section (as seen at the AdSense page) have improved dramatically along with some improvement in revenue. Wondering, whether it has got something to do with the knowledge centre, where I have been contributing since the last few weeks or it is solely due to college posts that I had posted previously. For quite sometime I have neither added new college posts nor any college updates.
    Patience and perseverance pays

  • #773494

    I agree. There has been considerable traffic even to earlier posts of schools and colleges. I think it is more likely due to the fact that once results are out, parents and students are looking for information about them before applying and since the ones at ISC have been picked up by search engines early on, they are to be seen on the first page of the search engine so are browsed quickly.

    I also agree with you that contributions to these two sections will hopefully be considered for RSB since they are the primary sections with the focus now solely on academics and a lot of time and effort goes into putting good descriptive content for schools and colleges. That is what, in fact, I was referring to when I remarked that I hope that more sections would be included.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #773495
    Hi all, the increase in the college/school section is temporary. It is due to the admission season.

    Once the admission season is over, the traffic may go back to the previous stage.

    Tony John
    Webmaster -

  • #773497
    I also found slightly increased traffic in my AdSense report. As mentioned above it is likely because of the admission season. It could be due to the knowledge center also and if it is so it would be an encouraging matter for all of us.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #773514
    Okay, now I get it. It is because of the admission season that there is a sudden spike in traffic in the college section. Otherwise, it made me wonder, how without any new posts being made, there is such a surge. Hope it sustains.
    Patience and perseverance pays

  • #773562
    Due to my irregular posts i have not been able to receive Revenue share bonus so far. But it is always encouraging to see dedicated members receiving fruits for their hard work. whenever I am free and i have access to net, then i like reading forums and discuss topics which are coinciding with my interest.
    Life is God's Gift !! Appreciate Life !! Thank you Universe !!

  • #773566
    It is very nice to note that RSB will be calculated based on the points obtained in KC, Articles and Forum section. This will motivate people to participate actively in forum discussions also. KC should be given more priority in the sense that submitted answers should be reviewed quickly so that people will get attracted to the section. If more answers are pending review, the members may not show interest in submitting fresh answers. This is my suggestion and my feeling. Anyhow the top people on the site will know more about these issues. I hope and wish the earnings of the site will get enhanced and members will also get benefitted.
    always confident

  • #773568
    It is a welcome step that RSB would be calculated upon Articles, KC and Forum Section posted by the members. Giving wide publicity in this direction would eliminate the doubts persisting in the mindset of the members. What I feel that answers submitted in KC section should be quickly reviewed so that it would create stimulations among the members. Sometimes, the members feel that a couple of postings submitted four to five days back has not been evaluated and such observations of the members make them less motivated in their participations for the much publicised KC Section.
    I hope the management would do their bests in arousing the interest of the members and naturally inculcating interest of members would work wonders benefiting both the participants and ISC Team.

  • #773589

    Note that in the case of the forum, although there is a pause in the cash credits for good threads and responses, like earlier, we are continuing to give enhanced points while doing the usual regular round of all the month's threads so that none are missed out. Hence, we encourage you to continue to be active in the forum since the points will be a boost for the monthly RSB.

    In the case of the Knowledge Centre, there may be a few delays like it is for other sections when editors are on leave. Also, it would be good if members make an effort to improve their answers by using the free Grammarly tool. It is frustrating to constantly shift to pending answers that are having even simple English errors that can easily be checked and corrected before submitting. Constant review of the same answers delays reviews of fresh answers, with the earlier ones coming back at the head of the queue of edits. Furthermore, it is advisable to check the information already provided in an earlier answer. There is no point in giving, for example, the same list of websites recommended for a course or the ones that would be helpful for checking an exam result, or listing the courses already mentioned for an admission notification. It does not really add value to the page. You can, instead, give some additional valuable information about the eligibility for a particular course that was not mentioned in an earlier response, or what is to be done after the exam result is known.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #776990
    In the job section, no cash credit is provided, and it's also not considered in the RSB. How can we benefit from cash credit in this scenario?

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