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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Using bad and abusive language-Shouldn't there be filters?

    Today it has become very easy to go on to any social media platform and give your opinion. The problem is that when you do that, you often find people who, when they find nothing to argue with, just start abusing. They use the worst possible form of abuse in the name of your parents, your religion and gender and start spam comments. Most of them are fake accounts but no action is taken against them. They keep functioning. Why is it so? Don't you think there should be some sort of filter on these pages to prevent abuses/ trolling and to promote healthy interactions and discussions?

  • #773832
    There should definitely be some filtering mechanism. Otherwise, all sorts of nonsense are being posted on media. Many videos which are not worth to be seen are also posted on social media. Young people who watch such videos are getting affected badly. But when we talk about censoring people say that their freedom is being restricted.

    Using abusive language should not be allowed. Many news that are coming in these social media will have an unrelated title and that title will attract the people to read the news. But there will be no relation between the heading and the description.

    Each and every site should have some guidelines and the postings which are against the guidelines should be deleted. If the author is repeating such things again and again, he /she should be blocked and should be removed from the membership, I feel.

    always confident

  • #773846
    The author is very right in telling that there should be some control or restriction on abusing or using abusive words in the social media. Many people are taking liberty and using bad words for others or individuals. They feel that no one can catch them and they continue doing that. This is in a very bad taste and the situation is not good.
    The company which owns the social media should take care in these things and put some filter or tool for removing the abusive words. We do not have a micro governance where we can expect these things from the government to do. If Government nominates an agency like police or some other body to nab these culprits then it will be a very massive job for them and I have my own doubts whether they will be able to do that or not.
    In social media, millions of people participate and tracking and arresting bad people out of that is a herculean task. Most of the people who are abusing are doing it through fake identities.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #773849
    The author is very correct. media should get filtered from using non ethic, abusive languages as it polluted the readers and viewers very much.
    The same has been justified as such words are need to the situation of the scenes.
    Even in television serials there are scenes such as cursing other characters by throwing sand on the others etc., which should be totally avoided. I have, on seeing in one serial, written to the serial director to avoid such cursing words.

  • #773851
    Although the post was about the use of foul language in the comment section I also agree with the point raised by DR NV Shrinivasa Rao that many of the eye-catching, sensational or dramatic headlines are formed on many blogging sites and posted, and once you open those links, there is nothing in them. They are just to draw attention. Many times very sensational posters, captions and posters are placed on thumbnails of youtube videos just to catch the eyes, and the inside content of the video is completely different and, at times outright vulgar and abusive.
    "It is hardest thing in the world to be good thinker without being a good self examiner"

  • #773876
    Most habits are developed within home, family, neighbourhood and schools.
    If there are conscious efforts within the family and schools, a lot of good habits can be instilled and many bad habits can be prevented or removed from the children.
    The other day I heard a mother telling that her youngest granddaughter is using curse words. She was amused that the child knows exactly when to use such words and in what tone also. She was worried whether the child will us them in public .
    I am sure that those woods would be i us in their home and the child would have witnessed it many times. It was just following he other members, as in all other matters. Similarly the elders would be viewing TV serials or movies(having such curse words) in the presence of the child.

    Parenting and role of teachers is not a simple job. They are the mentors. It is for them to mold heir wards and students in the right way. We cannot shut every bad mouth outside. We have to teach our children not to fall prey to such behaviour and we also should set a correct example by our words and deeds.

    Censoring can be done, but there will be opposition from those sectors citing freedom of expression. When the roots are strong they will not be uprooted by winds. We should build strong rots of good and right behaviour for our chlldren.

  • #773885
    We must ensure that our languages should be of decent forms always so that kids are not entrapped with abusive words due to our negligence. We should not have two sets of languages to be used in the different situations. This would ultimately affect our kids at the later stages. Hence we must restrain ourselves from speaking abusive languages

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