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  • Category: Problems/Complaints

    Can a rejected answer to a topic in the Knowledge Centre be edited?

    Many members of ISC are contributing to the Knowledge Centre. Many of us are submitting topics as well as answers to topics. These are being screened by an editor and a suitable decision will be taken. Some may be approved and some may be kept pending. These pending answers can be modified as per the suggestions given by the editor.

    Some of the answers may get disapproved. Even such disapproved answers also are visible to the author and there is a scope for editing. But my doubt is can an author edit such rejected answers and resubmit? I feel, while rejecting an answer if the editor mentions the reasons for such rejection it will be helpful to the author to see that such mistakes will not be repeated.

    It is my genuine doubt and request guidance from the concerned.
  • #773869
    Dr Rao, since KC is a relatively new section and this is a fresh doubt that has arisen, we will discuss the point with the Webmaster and let you know. As of now, let us stick to our existing policy that a rejected content (answer in this case) cannot be edited and resubmitted.

    Editors do not generally delete answers to KC topics unless they are irrelevant or is not answering the question directly or is totally copied or AI generated. We have even been approving answers that are mere repeats of previous answers (though in different words), of course, with lesser points and cc.

    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #773937
    Thank you for your reply, Saji Ganesh. But if any one answer is deleted, there will be a reason for deleting the same. The same can be informed to the author so that he will be cautious in his other attempts so that he will not commit the same mistake again.
    always confident

  • #773967
    The Webmaster has posted a detailed response as a thread here.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

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