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  • Category: General

    What is the normalisation process of CET score?

    In Maharashtra, the MBA CET test was conducted in March 2023. After the results were announced, some students appeared for the retest and when they got their score they started doubting the state CET cell's method for normalisation of marks. The students were aggrieved so much that some of them filed petitions in the Mumbai High Court and a hearing is going on. Court has asked the Maharashtra CET cell about the validity of the normalisation process.

    However, the court has as an interim measure allowed admissions to the MBA course and let it start as scheduled from 7th July 2023 subject to the result of subsequent hearings.

    What is the normalisation process of CET scores? Please share your knowledge in this regard.
  • #774072
    If the aspirants have scored marks between 90 and 120, it is considered as good scoring and such aspirants having enjoyed such scores are acceptable in the top colleges of Maharashtra for their MBA admission.
    Scores are finally transferred to percentile scores in terms of a scale which will range from 100 to 0. This percentile score is considered as the normalisation score which the aspirants can see these scores calculated up to seven decimal places. This will reveal the exact position of candidates in terms of their rankings.

  • #774073
    In this particular case it appears that students are having a doubt on the exact mathematical methodology of calculating percentage score through the normalisation process. Let us wait and see the result of the investigation sought by the court in this matter.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #774107
    Converting the percentage to the percentile is called the normalisation process as far as my knowledge goes. How many people attended the degree? The examinations will be conducted in different batches; each batch will get a separate paper. Some papers may be tough and some may be easy. To sort out this difference this normalisation process is being applied.
    always confident

  • #774152
    For the information of all those readers who are following this thread, Mumbai high court has rejected the petition telling that there is no substance in the complaint raised by some students about the normalisation process of CET scores.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #774181
    I think that Maharashtra CET has taken a very reasonable stand with the introduction of the normalisation process since the pattern of the questions of each set is of variable nature. The students might get a set containing tougher questions in comparison to other batches. Hence the normalisation process, in such a case would ease the process. In this case, Mumbai High Court has taken a very justified step to sort out the ambiguity.

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