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  • Category: Creative Writing

    A Delayed Unexpected Admission

    Rehan has always been a brilliant student; he was always on the list of toppers in his class. Studying felt like a burden for other students in his class, but for Rehan studying was always fun. He enjoyed every moment immersed in his books. His parents nudged him to go meet with people, play in the park and get out of the room. Many people around him called him a bookworm. He studied in the best and most expensive School in the area, and it was his dream to get into IIT and be the best engineer and do research in future. He had a very clear road map in his mind. Despite being a small shop owner, his father sent him to one of the best schools. All his friends were from a very rich financial background. His parents believed maybe he understood his financial conditions, that's why too he was so hardworking but his parents never pressurised him like other parents did. Sometimes his mother definitely brought up the topic of how hard it is to live because of all the fees they are putting on his school education god knows if something will happen or not. He could have worked in the shop as well, but it was because she Rehan thought it was just because his mother was not literate enough to understand big campuses, beautiful surroundings and higher education.
    Though Rehan was a very humble child because of School, he had a superior complex. He never liked to interact with kids in his surroundings. He felt as if he was not meant for this locality.
    He was so confident because of all the hard work he did that he would get into IIT. He did not fill out any other college application forms and only indulged in preparation for IIT JEE. His father once even tried to tell him that he could also pursue a BSC course in institutions like Delhi University, JNU and Punjab University, where one of his friends' sons went to Delhi University and did Bsc and Msc, and he is now a Scientist. But Rehan thought his father did not know much and ignored his words and said confidently that I don't need to fill out any other application form because he would surely get admission into IIT and would get a scholarship as well, so his father need not worry about the finance.
    His father tried to make him understand that it is ok to have confidence but not overconfidence, but he could not say anything.
    After a few months, when the result of the IITJEE answer key was released, Rehan was very confident that he would get into the best of the IITs.But when he checked the answer key, he realised he had committed so many silly mistakes that it was very difficult for him to get admission into any good Engineering college, leave alone IIT. He felt so sad, embarrassed and bad for himself that he could not say any words. His parents tried to console him, but he was so sad he could not talk. He told his father, crying, that he did not fill any other college application form. His father first consoled him and told him I was afraid that you would not fill any form, so I asked my friend, his son, to fill your form, and he filled those forms for you. Now don't worry, talk to him and his name is Mayank he will guide him for a future plan. Rehan felt sad and happy at the same time and hugged his father so tightly. The next day he called Mayank, who was now a scientist; Mayank asked Rehan what he really wanted to do.
    Rehan told him he wanted to become a scientist, so Mayank told him it was not necessary to go into IIT for that, but if he wanted to do engineering and that too from IIT only, he could try next year, but if he wanted to be like me, you can join a good university like Delhi University and JNU and from here also you will get avenues.
    Rehan told him he could not take a drop. It would be humiliating and want admission to any good college now. So Mayank guided him about Merit-based admission that happened earlier and now CUET-based admission, for which he already filled out the form of Rehan with his father. Rehan told him he would prepare for the exam diligently and give the test.
    Later Rehan took the exam and held the second position in CUET. And got admission and qualified cut off of all the good institutions, and Finally opted for Saint Stephens, where Mayank studied.
    When he got admission and reached the campus, Some juniors of Mayank helped him on a college tour and told him all about college.
    Rehan felt so joyous and decided to do his best in his life ahead.
  • #774078
    An interesting story by the author. Confidence is a good thing in our lives but at the same time over confidence can create unexpected adverse situations shattering us and spoiling our careers.
    Some students may be very intelligent and hard working but they should keep all their options open and should not be over confident that they will get admission in the best institute in the country. Today there is a very tough competitive environment and students must understand that they cannot always score high getting their names in the top band and that is why they should always have some alternative in their hands in case they fail to get admission in the best institution.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #774110
    Overconfidence is always not good. We should always have an alternate in case some unwanted happens. That is why it is better to apply to some other courses also where we are sure of getting a seat. This is the moral of the story. Definitely, people will have some aspirations and will always try to achieve their goals. But always we may not achieve the desired goal so we should have an alternative arrangement not to waste time and go in an alternative route.
    always confident

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