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  • Category: General

    Is it necessary to have endless pages in a prospectus or brochure?

    When submitting content on admissions, my first source of information will be the prospectus or brochure that is free to download on the official website of the school, college, or university. What fascinated me was the manner in which information was provided in them, both in terms of the details given, as well as in terms of the length.

    Most brochures are far too lengthy, I feel. Details of the institute can be given in brief, of course, and information on the infrastructure, especially hostels, is very relevant for a student. So here I can understand when all campus facilities are mentioned. So, too, with relevant information on the courses, subjects, activities, etc. However, what need is there to have every single member of the Management featured, with a welcome message to students or their writeups about the institute? There will be three to four Trustees, then the Dean, the Head of Academic Studies, the Principal, the endless list! Then follow photos of eminent people from academia or even other fields being honoured with a Doctorate. Surely these could be restricted to the most recent ones only, What need is there to put in photos dating back to more than five years ago?

    By the time I get to the crux, namely the courses, and eligibility, I am often well beyond ten pages of the prospectus/brochure, sometimes even beyond page no. 25!

    On the other hand, it is such a joy to see crisp and concise details, with only a brief intro of the institute, and a welcome message from the Chancellor and/or Dean and Principal. These will be restricted to the first three pages, followed by equally concise details of the campus, and then the courses, eligibility, fees and application procedure.

    By the way, how exactly does a prospectus differ from a brochure? Are they two different things? I have found that some websites mention it as the prospectus, while others as the brochure, and none have both as separate.
  • #774079
    As I understand the prospectus or brochure are intentionally made exhaustive by the institute administration so that no information is left out. Another point is that it is a document which generally parents or students see in detail and there are many things which act like advertising campaign for the institute. So, they will give a lot of information in addition to the crucial information like eligibility, seats available, course fees etc.
    Many agencies like UGC, NAAC, AICTE etc demand a lot of information from the educational institutes and they prepare it accordingly in a very detailed fashion and prospectus is only a part of that and they need not to do any extra effort to prepare the brochure or prospectus.
    Due to the availability of prospectus online, institutes need not to print them which was a costly affair earlier and to that extent they would not mind if it is voluminous.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #774081
    The prospectus and brochure are made voluminous keeping in view that no important point is left out while making such booklets. Moreover making such booklets exhaustive have their twin purpose and the foremost being the glamorisation of the institution apart from appeasing the different agencies like NAAC, UGC, AICTE etc so that the institution is not harassed unnecessarily.
    In fact, the students as well guardians have a little time to go through prospectus and brochures to extract the detailed information due to their lethargic nature but the institution is bound to follow up such formalities.

  • #774082
    The academic sector has undergone vast changes in the last few years. There are are any number of courses, subjects and combinations now available. The earlier general practice of taking up admission in the nearest institution is no the only option now. Students and parents scout for the best institution and the bet and most prospective course and combination. Hence they have to assess many institutions before shortlisting and selecting the most suitable one of their choice. For this they need full information about the institution and courses offered and al other facilities available for the student.

    Every institution(college or university) also wants to get best students enrolled with them. So they want to project and promote themselves. They are also watched and monitored and assessed by various ends from media to the monitoring and grading agencies and sanctioning authorities and even by international survey and statistical organizations.

    It is not feasible and practical for the colleges and universities to prepare different different prospectuses and brochure for each. So they prepare an omnibus brochure or prospectus and can provide to any one who needs to get any detail about the college.

    Moreover a detailed prospectus can avoid future litigations on the complaining or arising from lack of information and details.
    All these have lead to prospectus or brochure with endless pages. We have to bear with it .

  • #774113
    The brochure is not alone just for informing the students about the courses offered and the admission procedure. The full information about the college will be presented in the brochure to enable the students to understand more about the college. A prospectus is more to give a piece of detailed information about the courses offered and the admission procedure.
    As mentioned by the author, we are seeing very elaborate brochures from various institutes. These days private institutions never hesitate to spend money on marketing. They want to attract more students to their institute. So they want to give more information about the college in their brochures.
    We also see many advertisements in newspapers where the photos of the students who obtained ranks are also shown in these advertisements.
    In some of the college brochures, I have seen many unimportant issues also given in a very detailed manner. I think it is purely a marketing gimmick only.

    always confident

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