School tiffins - boring or always yummy?
Didn't we all love the breaks at school?! It was a time to get away from lessons, chat with others, go to the playground if the recess period was long, and maybe even take a quick nap on the desk! Then there was the tiffin. Mothers (maybe fathers and grandparents too) would pack something to take to school. In the younger primary classes, there would be one, in the secondary, likely two, one the 'break box' with a quick snack for the 10-minute recess, and the larger tiffin for the longer mid-day lunch recess.Quite often, kids would return home with the food in the boxes intact, with not even a bite taken. Mothers would be exasperated, annoyed, scold... "Why didn't you eat what I gave?" would either be greeted with stubborn silence, or funny replies starting with "because I...."
What were your experiences with the school tiffins?