It's my birthday!
Actually, no, not literally my birthday. That's just a mischievous title! It is my birthday in the role of Managing Editor, completing a dozen years since the appointment communication dropped into my inbox in 2011.How do you really describe a role that covers a gamut of experiences that arose due to multiple responsibilities? It wasn't easy of course, and I did not expect it to be, but nevertheless on the whole have had a jolly good time, I must say. Hopefully, I have acquired sufficient wisdom through all the rough tumbles and slips to push me onward.
Naturally, the support of the admin., the editorial team, and, indeed the collective ISC family has given me immense zeal, and I look forward to that same support ahead. Thank you ISCians!
This date also coincides with friendship day. Isn't that sweet!
[On this day, really miss some of the family who are no longer around to share this special birthday & friendship day as well.]