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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Is initial interest in AI tools now waning?

    By using AI tools one can get any information on the internet by making a query. AI tools can provide the requisite information in a structured way.
    In recent times we have seen a big attraction and excitement in the people for these AI tools and everyone was amazed with the results. Many people thought that their problem was over as they could get anything done with these AI tools.
    So far so good but now the excitement and interest are waning and people are realizing that though it gives a concise and well-structured answer to our problem we cannot copy and paste it in a place citing it as our work. The reason is very simple anyone looking at it would find out that it is the work of AI tools and then it would be termed as plagiarised content. The interesting thing is that the person who is checking this content will also get almost the same content if he tries to get it from AI tools for cross-checking the submitted content.
    Do you also feel that the initial excitement in AI is fading? What could be the reasons for it? Please share your views.
  • #774706
    AI is useful in many ways. Many people are opting to study this subject as the job opportunities are high. As we use it more and more we will get to know the problems and issues associated with the subject. Now people are finding many problems because of AI. Many cyber crimes are taking place with the help of AI. So there is a feeling that AI is going to become a big threat to human beings in the long run.
    All technological developments are for the progress of the human being but when we use them for destructive purposes the very existence of people will become difficult. This point should be kept in mind and we should use these developments in good deeds only. Then we will enjoy the fruits of these developments.
    As mentioned by the author I am also observing some decrease in the interest of the people in this AI area. But it is too early to come out with s solid understanding about this issue at this stage.

    always confident

  • #774711
    We are passing through the nascent stage with respect to our achievements in the AI tool but any way, it cannot be denied its usefulness in the different areas. Take in case of Cataract Operation, where the eye- surgeons are frequently employing this AI tool for the correct incision of the thick layer formed due to cataract, removal of the unwanted portion has become painless & exact degree of incision as a result of application of AI technique.
    At the same time, we remain apprehensive of its wrong usage in some cases where the antisocial elements are engaged in the cyber activities. However awareness of the people is picking up so as to frustrate the attempts of the attackers.
    Let us hope this tool would provide us many more positive features in the days ahead.

  • #774732
    AI is a technology meant to reduce the workload on human beings but people are misusing it. In the beginning it helped many people but now everyone is becoming dependent on it. Such technologies can reduce the creative capabilities of people and make them lazy in the long run. Just look at the way people enjoyed writing 10 years back but now nobody is interested in writing. Also, people these days are more interested in watching videos and listening to podcasts rather than reading blogs. Certainly, not a good sign for people who were making huge money because of their writing skills. Nowadays, technologies like AI has completely destroyed the writing ecosystem on internet. There is no sign of decline in interest if we look at AI technologies. Every big and small firms are already deploying AI to reduce their workload on humans. A time will come when employers will be self dependent and won't need any humans for their work.
    Humble yourself or life will do it for you!

  • #774741
    AI is going to create many problems in the coming days, that is what many scientists and technologists are saying. We are hearing much news about the misuse of this AI tool for harassing innocent people including some ladies and even in cyber crimes. So it is good if people are losing interest in this subject. Then we can expect only a few people to use it for only constructive purposes and will be used for the development of this society. Too much is not good for anything and any time. A stage may come to a ROBO may also start thinking and getting emotional and behave like a human being which will become a big threat to our peaceful lives on this earth.
    always confident

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