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    Indiastudychannel status is pending

    I have signed in to indiastudychannel after a long time, and I found that my status as pending and my Google status also pending.
    How do I approve my account again. And my adsense account needs to be reviewed and got the code to paste in the header of each page. Need help yo fix .
  • #774987
    Welcome back, Shabir!

    If only ISC status is pending then there is no need to worry as Ads serving will not be affected. But, if Google status is not approved, Ads will not be served. You have fulfilled five out of six requirements for a Google AdSense account but currently, no Ads are placed. I suggest you start contributing to ISC, especially in the Articles section and see if there is any change.

    You have also mentioned that Google status is pending. Can you provide us with the message/screenshot to help us understand the issue in a better way? If there is an error in AdSense then I don't think we will be able to help. You have to analyze the error in AdSense and then need to follow the resolutions given there. Please check the response of Tony sir in this post which may help you to understand the issue.


    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #774988
    I have also some queries regarding Google AdSense. I applied for an Adsense account approximately one and a half years ago. But it has not been approved till now. I am unable to understand what's the problem even though I fulfill all requirements. If the webmaster allows me, can I send a screenshot of my AdSense account?

  • #774989
    I am getting this message in my adsense account

    Connect your site
    Select verification method:

    AdSense code snippet

    Ads.txt snippet

    Meta tag
    To get your site ready to show ads, copy and paste this code between the tags on each page of your site. Learn more about the AdSense code
    Your AdSense code
    <script async src="****************87*"

    I am asked to post the code to activate the adds. Can someone help me how and where to post .

    Thank you

  • #774991
    Shabir and Dr. Sanchita Ranjan,

    The issues regarding your AdSense profiles have been notified to the Webmaster. Please wait for a response and do not stop posting quality content.


    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

  • #775076
    Mr. Shabir Ali Baig, welcome back to ISC again. I have observed your profile and found that you were not active at ISC for more than one year. Hence, all your cash credit and rewards are lapsed. As your Google account shows a pending status, it means either you do not have an active Google Adsense account or your Google AdSense account is also disabled due to inactivity for more than one year. Now, as you are a senior member of ISC, you have to fulfil 5 criteria out of 6 to get Google Adsense approval.

    You do not fulfill 2 criteria:
    1. Not posted any article for the last 6 months.
    2. Not receive any reward.

    It's my opinion, let us wait for the reply of Tony sir, who knows better about Google Adsense than anyone here.

    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #775161
    I need to rewiew ISC and to connect I need to verify

    Select verification method:
    AdSense code snippet
    Ads.txt snippet
    Meta tag
    To get your site ready to show ads, copy and paste the text below into each ads.txt file and upload to your site's root directory. If you have an existing ads.txt file, just paste the text into each file, pub-6142706797292870, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 I don't know where to post the code.

  • #775166
    S A Baig,

    You cannot post any code here at ISC. All relevant codes are put in by the Webmasters. Even your publisher ID will be there on the pages of your content in the sections where the revenue is shared. What you need to do is to check if the ISC account is associated with your AdSense account. Perhaps you may find the instructions in this old announcement helpful.

    Since you have not been active for a long time, it is suggested that you start contributing content again, but please check out all the red-pinned threads at the top of the forum to stay updated about the major changes in the policies of the site.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

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