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    Education strengthens economic stability among people

    Education is a precious ornament for a person. Education brings vision prosperity and equality among people. It is such a valuable asset that nobody can steal but enlighten others to peace and prosperity. Education enables one to understand the pros and cons of the financial system and how to be financially stable. It helps to become economically stable. Education enables a person to think out of the box and sometimes make hard decisions to achieve the target. Unfortunately those without education struggle and face difficulties in life. Unlike educated people, uneducated can't have that level of rationality that an educated one could have. An educated person has multidimensional prospects and can explore a multitude of things in life to bring prosperity in life.
  • #775016
    Education is an ornament that enhances the value of the person. It is not a visible ornament but it is a flavour that can be sensed by others with the behaviour of the individual. There is a saying in Telugu that means a leaf without any weight on it can fly easily but once the food is served over that it can't fly. A person with education may not try to talk more to show off but he will act in such a way that people will understand the talent of the individual.
    Definitely, education is very necessary for the individual to earn and take care of his and his family requirements. An educated man can polish his skills by putting more and more experience and that will give him more and more opportunities to progress in his career. Definitely, that will give him a very good financial stability in his life. He can ensure financial stability for the next generation by making some reserves from them. However, how the next generations manage those reserves will depend upon the education levels of those individuals.

    always confident

  • #775019
    Education is an asset providing us the vision to choose the right step. An educated man need not move elsewhere everytime to seek advice from others how the present assignment can managed effectively. It is their enriched wisdom which they have gained through the education to tackle multifaceted issues.
    Though others can do the same without the education but it might lack the decency as compared to the job of an educated person. Moreover, they might struggle for a lot of time how to achieve the correct solution of the given issue, where as we could see how diligently the same job could be accomplished by the educated man with the less consumption of timing.

  • #775023
    Many people think that education is only for getting a job after completing one's education. This is not exactly so. Getting an appropriate job is definitely one of the main purpose of the education but if we go in details then education has a much more varied usefulness for an individual.
    First of all it brings knowledge and wisdom in one's life and then one becomes aware about so many things in this world which help and encourage a person to become a better citizen and contribute positively in nation building.
    Education brings analytical power and rational thinking in one's mind which is necessary for the growth of individual.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #775040
    Of course, I agree with the author that Education strengthens economic stability among people. After getting the proper education, students are able to develop different skills according to their passion. These skills are very necessary in the modern age to get a job to start their own business. The education helps the students to get stability economically.
    Honesty is the best policy.

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