When and what is the real role of parents in a child’s education
Education, in its real sense, starts from the day a child is born. From that day it starts 'learning'- Learning anything and everything from the environment around it. That starts with seeking its first food .i.e. mother's milk. Then it learns where and when it is safe. It learns its mother's voice, gestures, etc. and learns correct responses too. Like that, it learns new lessons every day. Thus starts education in its real sense.But we consider only ' formal institutional education' as the topic of education for all purposes of discussion and debate.
So the point here is whether the parents who were the real people who started 'educating' their children continue the same role even after the child is enrolled in a formal educational institution. Or do they simply abandon the essential responsibility and duty as in-essence-teachers after their child is put to schooling?
Does the role of parents in the education of their children have any effect on their education and grooming?
I would like a healthy discussion on this matter mostly from the personal experience and knowledge of the members.
(This is an entry to the A thread a day challenge contest)