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  • Category: General

    What will be the next drastic change in the education arena

    "Catch them young" is a popularly well-practiced slogan by everyone especially the political parties and business houses.
    That is why we have the barrage of student unions( some continuing to be student and student union leaders even long after the imaginable student age). That is why we see the campus recruitment mega events by the corporate sector.
    So just as the governments use banks and petrol bunks to implement many of their new programmes, the educational sector is one to experiment and bring in basic changes. It is easy to feed and mold and mend the naïve young students like clay models. We have seen how educational syllabi and texts and various programmes are amended and made suitable to the long-term agenda of the ruling political dispensations.
    The much-hyped National Education Policy has also envisaged some really revolutionary changes
    in this regard. Online education was the one very practical and popular systemic change that we saw in the recent past.
    Artificial Intelligence will definitely have an impact on the education sector too. Just as driverless cars, and pilotless airplanes, will there be Teacher-less classes? Yes, I feel that machines or Robots will take over the roles of teachers in classes. So we will have some real disruptive paradigm changes in the educational sector. The teacher will not get tired, probably will not have a trade union or participation in protests and strikes etc, etc.

    What is the next revolutionary and disruptive change that you vision or foresee in the education sector?

    ( Entry for the A thread a day challenge contest)
  • #775290
    NEP has brought a lot of changes in the educational system and more are on the anvil.
    There are certain things which can be inculcated in the minds of the students since their school and college lives because they are tender and receptive during that phase.
    In my view, there are certain things that are to be considered for making present educational system more attractive and interesting for the students. For example one is rationalisation of fees across the educational institutions in our country. Another is to increase the number of skill based courses and reduce the pure academic streams.
    A final point which comes to my mind is that there should be compulsory military training for at least one year just before or during the college phase for every student. This is more necessary in view of the global terrorism and other conflicts and confrontations arising between the countries.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #775312
    I don't know how teacher-less teaching is going to function. But it is possible to have such teaching also. Instead of Videos and audio, robots may come into the picture. There are electronic gadgets like Alexa. There will be some pre-loaded stuff in these alexas. When a person gives a command for a particular song, if it is available in its storage it will play that song. Instead of songs a library of lessons is loaded in that the students can hear a lesson that they want.
    Slowly the importance of the theory will come down but the application part will get more and more attention. Students with skills will be preferred by organisations rather than people with qualifications. NEP has already started linking the industry and institutes. This will further increase in the coming days, More importance will be given to practical knowledge coupled with theoretical knowledge. So definitely we are going to see a sea change in education arena bringing more and more tools for the benefit of the students.

    always confident

  • #775362
    The current NEP has brought some revolutionary ideas. The authorities in the States and in the UTs are required to develop infrastructure and necessary technical expertise to implement these ideas. The barriers among science, commerce and humanities will be broken. The children will learn three languages. Stress will be given on subjects which help students to get engaged in different professions. Students are being encouraged to learn about Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) and Indian languages & literatures. All-round development of students is being stressed in the new policy. Developing anti-national mindset in the name of discussion/debate is discouraged.

    The NEP-2020 has provisions of continuous montioring and course correction, if found necessary.

    I think in the next stage, we will see teacher-less classroom and project-based study. Let us all wait and watch.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

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