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  • Category: Festivals

    Happy Durga Puja to all

    The celebration has already started in West Bengal a few days earlier as the count starts from Navratri and Durga Puja is celebrated from the 6th day onwards which is from 20 October. Bengalis all over the world wait for these five days and many of them do return to their native places to join their relatives and friends. There's a crowd everywhere, in some places it's almost creating new records. It's a grand celebration, captivating everyone around as the main purpose is to eliminate the evil forces.

    On this auspicious occasion, warm greetings and my best wishes to all in the ISC family. May Maa Durga shower her blessings on all of us so that evil is defeated in every corner.

    Joy Maa Durga!
  • #775505
    Durga Puja and Navratra festivals are observed in many parts of our country with great enthusiasm and joy. In some states Garba dance is done by tbe devotees to have fun and frolic of a special type. Though Gujarat state is the main area wher it is taken up in a big way but there are many other states also where it is performed by the people young and adults alike.
    In Maharashtra also, where I live, the navratra function is observed in a great way. There are special places and parks and fields earmarked for garba dance where people in the evening go well dressed and enjoy the evening and dance to the tune of various songs related to garba or even the popular film songs.
    I wish all the members of ISC a happy and prosperous Durga Puja time.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #775506
    Best Wishes to all on the occasion of Durgapuja!

    [Do not use bold tags and submit text in English only.]

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #775507
    Durga Puja has its special significance among the Hindu Communities especially the kids anxiously wait for this opportune moment. The entire Navratri Period is celebrated with a great fervour and no doubt, this festival can be regarded as the one where no other festival can be ranked in the similar categories.
    Though the Bengali Community attaches a great importance to this Puja but even for other people, their affinity for this festival has not diminished. They can be seen in the joyful moods meetings with their well wishers with the great warm signifying that this is the festival of strengthening harmony in our relationships.
    I wish all the ISC members a happy and prosperous Durga Puja.

  • #775508
    This Navratri festival is celebrated in all parts of our country in this month. This is to worship the Goddess meant for Shakthi. To our every movement we need some sort of strength. To denote this strength in three different forms like Education(wisdom),Wealth and energy. Officially we delegate our daily routines into various departments and headed with a person as Manager. Similarly this three functions are delegated to Three Shakthi named Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. To pray them for our daily energy this Navarathri is being celebrated in our India.
    Happy Durga Pooja to all!

  • #775511
    We, in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, celebrate these nine days as Saranvaratri ( Sardrutuvu will start from first day of Asveeja Maasa. From the first day of Asveeja Maasa these nine nights festival start. Everyday people will worship Durga Devi in different incarnations. In the temple of Kanaka Durga in Vijayawada, these nine days will be celebrated with special Archana Programmes and many devotees come here to have the darshan of Durga Mata.
    Last three days of these nine days are dedicated to Sarasvati Devi, the Goddess of Wisdom. All students are supposed to perform Archana to this Goddess on the last three days. Like Ganesh Chaturthi, we will see many idols of Goddess in many centers and immersion will be performed on the 10th day. I wish all the members of this site a happy Durga Pooja.

    always confident

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