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  • Category: General

    Students today need to change their mindset

    Traditionally people used to study and acquire some qualifications to get a job and then be happy in their lives. Once they get a job most of them forget what they learned through their educational phase. They simply did the job given to them in the company or factory or office and came back to their homes sharp at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. With time everything changed drastically and the whole scenario changed and there was a paradigm shift in all these matters.

    Today, there are many streams in which a student has to read and learn and acquire more and more knowledge throughout one's career till one's retirement from active service. There is cutthroat competition in the market and industry and people are shifting from one place to another and switching their jobs so frequently that apparently, it looks like chaos and disorder. But people have to survive and face all these competitions and tough times in the present business environment.

    The students who are acquiring their degree and education must change their mindset to this new environment and align themselves to be ready to struggle and make a career in this competitive world.

    Please share your opinion and views about this aspect.
  • #775682
    Learning is a continuous process and everybody should learn whatever is required throughout their lives. As mentioned by the author, in earlier days once we were into a job, we used to think our learning phase was over. But it is not a fact. Even in those days, people were learning by seeing their colleagues and seniors in the office. No formal education but informal learning was there.
    But now there is a change. Technology is changing day to day and new issues are cropping up. To sustain in the jobs, these days, one should update themselves regarding the changes that are taking place. Otherwise, they will not cope with the latest techniques that are being developed. These technological developments should be grasped by all the employees in the field. That only will make them stand ahead of others in their careers.
    People who are working in technology fields should be alert and be in touch with the trends and amend themselves so that they will be afresh of the knowledge.

    always confident

  • #775684
    Learning is a continuous process and it never ends till we are alive. The main thing is that we should not loose our interests in the different areas which are relevant in the current times. Technology is developing rapidly and we can see that the old languages practiced in the computer fields are being replaced by the latest tools for the benefits of the users.
    In fact, the old languages such as the Java, C, have been replaced by the Artificial Intelligence, Business Analytics and other applications.
    With the progress of the time, we can observe many changes in the different areas of the technology. Such tools can make our lives more meaningful provided we update ourselves with the latest technologies.

  • #775698
    Students especially school going children should be treated with much care by parents and family persons. Quarrel/ arguments, using abnormal words by family members especially between parents should very strongly be avoided in presence of the children studying in schools. Parents care in them are very very less in present days. There are more chances of digging mindset in the children and will get alarmingly where there is less care from parents on them. Recently a 15 years old girl committed suicide in a house after returning from school for a quarrel between her and her elder sister for eating her share of roti and it has been told that the mother of the child did not solve the problem but scolding both sisters generally. This may be a silly matter but the same should not become a vital reason for fatal.

  • #775699
    One important aspect that needs to be included is the congenial atmosphere of the family that would allow a child to learn faster with the better concentration. The parents think that they would not mind the hot words or the arguments between the couples but in fact, the effects of hot exchanges of the words are always detrimental to the mental state of the children.
    The children might be under the severe stress because of prevalence of stressful situations inside the homes and the parents need to take care of their words if they are nearby.
    The children learn a lot of things from their parents. Practice of Good habits takes its own time but the bad habits can be picked up instantaneously.

  • #775702
    We have to understand that this is the age of competition. But our education system has removed the competition from Nursery to 10 standards. We should have to prepare the students for competition and to positive mindset. If a student never competes in school life, how will he face the challenges in his career and will compete? So, schools should arrange such activities, where the student should face such challenges and ready to compete his classmates.
    Honesty is the best policy.

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