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  • Category: New Features

    Just an alert to our members

    I am posting this thread just to remind our members about the return of the Fortnightly TOW. This reward program has been reintroduced with an aim to make our forum more vibrant and active. So, let us all support this initiative by increasing our contributions, as threads as well as responses.
  • #775943
    Thank you, Saji for reminding all the members about the fortnightly TOW contest. This a good contest that will encourage people to contribute their best in the forum section of ISC. I hope and wish that members will try to spend more time on this forum section and make the section more interesting.
    always confident

  • #775945
    Fortnightly TOW contest was a great motivator for all those members who were active in forum section and were often taking part in the various contests announced from time time in forum section.
    The reintroduction of that contest is a welcome thing and I believe that it would help in making the forum section much vibrant.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #775964
    The reintroduction of the TOW contest is the most significant step in the current stage. I hope such a step taken by the ISC would attract the readers to put forth their ideas in the discussion in the topic of TOW aggressively.
    It is definitely a nice step and I hope that the forum section would now be more attractive for the readers making the section of attracting the attention of many readers.

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