Have you heard about silent 'N'?
In English, there are many words where the letter 'H' remains silent. These words carry 'H' at the very beginning, but we don't pronounce this unfortunate 'H'. Some of these words where 'H' remains silent are Hour, Honour, Heir, Honest, etc.Similarly, there are some words where the letter 'P' remains silent. In most cases, this unfortunate 'P' is at the beginning of the word. Some of these words (with unfortunate silent 'P') are: Psalm, Pneumonia, Psyche, Psychology, Pseudo-science, etc.
There is another word where 'P' remains silent is: Corps (a military formation). Here 'P' is not at the beginning, but even then, it remains silent. The word 'Corps' is pronounced as 'Core'.
Having said all these facts, now I am going to ask a question Have you heard any word where the letter 'N' is silent? Please don't consult our universal Google uncle!