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  • Category: Improve Your English

    Have you heard about silent 'N'?

    In English, there are many words where the letter 'H' remains silent. These words carry 'H' at the very beginning, but we don't pronounce this unfortunate 'H'. Some of these words where 'H' remains silent are Hour, Honour, Heir, Honest, etc.

    Similarly, there are some words where the letter 'P' remains silent. In most cases, this unfortunate 'P' is at the beginning of the word. Some of these words (with unfortunate silent 'P') are: Psalm, Pneumonia, Psyche, Psychology, Pseudo-science, etc.

    There is another word where 'P' remains silent is: Corps (a military formation). Here 'P' is not at the beginning, but even then, it remains silent. The word 'Corps' is pronounced as 'Core'.

    Having said all these facts, now I am going to ask a question Have you heard any word where the letter 'N' is silent? Please don't consult our universal Google uncle!
  • #776033

    Yes. In English, we will find words where one of the letters in the word need not be pronounced and it will be silent. We use many such words in our usage. Knife which is pronounced as nife is a very well-known word. Known is pronounced as known. Another word where k is silent is knot.

    Now coming to the question posed by the author. There are some words in English where we will not spell the letter n. Autumn is which n is not pronounced we will pronounce it as Autum. Another word we generally use is column which will be pronounced as colum.

    we may find many more such words. The general observation is that silent n will come at the end of the word and generally this n will come after m. That means if we remove n the last letter will be m.

    always confident

  • #776045

    Generally n is silent when it comes in combination of mn. For example damn, autumn, hymn etc.
    While going through the origin of these words I found that they have been taken in English from Latin and that is why such combinations arose.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #776047
    The answers given by Dr. Rao Sir and Umesh Sir are 100% correct.

    In addition to the words mentioned by these two respected members, there is another word where 'N' is at the beginning, but it remains silent.

    This word is 'NGORONGORO'. In this case, the letter 'N' is silent. This word has its origin from Swahili language spoken in Africa.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #776048
    I never heard the word NGORONGORO which is not a very popular word. Anyhow, what is the meaning of this word is also not known to me. I request members who know the meaning to mention the meaning of the word.
    always confident

  • #776051
    Ngorongoro Crater is in Northern Tanzania. It was a gigantic volcano, and presently is the largest intact caldera in the world.

    Please read some interesting facts about Ngorongoro:

    This crater is world-famous.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #776052
    "solemn' is another word where 'n's is silent,
    'damn'(eg: damn it!) is also word where N is silent

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