Students have to prepare and study right from day one!
Many working people, professionals, as well as students often decide that they will start serious work or serious studies at the start of the new year - a type of new year resolution. Sometimes it works but most of the time the excitement fades with time.In my view, students should never think like that because for them every day is as important as the time starting from the new year. They have to seriously start the studies and preparation right from day one and should not wait for any calendar day or a beginning day. When we are struggling and working hard for an objective or a goal then we have to start for that right from this moment and should not wait for any beginning point.
This is true for all the activities but I am especially mentioning it for the students because they are at the beginning of making their careers and if they waste even a little time that would cost to them heavily in the future. What are your opinions on this? Please share your views.