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    This is my way of kindling interest for Mathematics.

    Mathematician Littlewood once said of Mathematician Ramanujan that 'every positive integer was one of his personal friends.' when G.H Hardy remembered and it shows in The man who knew infinity.

    But being very normal person I always come up with dates and my perception to youngsters so that they too get interested in numbers and hence with mathematics. Todays date being 311223 and if you see the pattern 31 12 23 looks like anthakshari how we played songs anthakshari.

    I have already shared in different thread on these two dates viz,

    16th September 2025 may relate to Pythagoras theorem written in the format 91625 as date is 4 square month is 3 square and year being 5 square which satisfy 4 square plus 3 square equals 5 square. But Pythagoras day only when Pythagoras triplets found in the date say 3/4/5 ,24/7/25 (Pythagorean triple is one in which a, b and c are coprime that is, they have no common divisor larger than 1)

    The Fibonacci day reminds me of this date which come only once in a century that is 1st Jan 23. 1123 which is called Fibonacci series.

    These dates are unique that is 16925 and 1123 comes only once in a century.

    Today's date we may even represent the sum of each digits of MMDDYY individually will get 345 which are Pythagoras triplets which I have explained above.

    I will be happy if members come with their own set of dates which are not available already in Google or literature.
  • #776261
    I am not good at this, frankly, so can't come up with anything to add. However, I do wish to share what I received today about today's date-
    2023 ends on 123123. This has not happened in 100 years and will not happen again for another 100 more!

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #776262
    Fascinating post from the author. Her passion for numbers and mathematics will appear in her posts.
    Tomorrow is 1st January 2024. 01-01-2024. The sum of all the digits is 1. This is the first day of the year 2nd January 2024 is 2-1-2024. The sum of all the digits is 2 and that is the second day of the year. This will be true for the first nine days of the month. It is a unique feature and will happen to the year when the sum of all the digits in that year comes to 8. It happened in 2015 and again in 2024 and will again happen in 2033.
    I think the author will be doing a lot of research in finding these figures and facts and we should appreciate her interest in this subject. We are all getting educated with her posts related to numbers and mathematics. I thank her for the same.

    always confident

  • #776265
    Thanks to Saroja Madam for her unique interest in Mathematics. How swiftly does she arrive at the final conclusion with her play with the numbers ? I have to appreciate her talent how 31st Dec 2023 could be represented as 3,4,5 being a Pythagoras triplet.
    I could see the number magic by going through number 311223 and on close observation we could arrange the numbers like 3,4, 5 as pointed out by Vandana Madam.
    Dr. Rao has even indicated Some magic numbers with taking up 1-1- 2024& 2-1- 2024. As he has indicated that this magic feeling will appear from 1st January 2024 to 9th January 2024.
    Such discoveries are quite interesting and thrilling.

  • #776273
    Really happy to see the responses from @Vandana and @Dr.Rao with the magical representation of set of dates from 311223 to 912024. 311223 arranged in MMDDYY has come with unique representation of 123123.

    Thanks @Jha for your kind words.

    shasthranaam Ganitham moordhanisthitham

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