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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    The thing I have learnt from an ISC member and started practising daily

    When yesterday I saw the welcome thread of the new year I came to know the demise of the member T.M. Sankaran and thought of sharing this.

    Though everyone shared their memories of interaction on his demise, about the interview by Editor Jagdish, mathematics and a senior person, and Ex. Professor etc., I wanted to share one unique health tip I came to know from one of his threads nine years before and from that day I started following daily. If not daily many times I used to remember this member.

    Yesterday I searched but couldn't get via search and hence browsed all his forum threads and found the health tip and also admired his various mathematical threads and learnt many new things.
  • #776299
    There were and there are experts on this site in various fields and their suggestions may be very useful for other members. As mentioned by the author, T.M. Sankaran was one such expert member and many of his threads are very useful to other members. I read an article written on him by one of the Editors and I admire the member for his achievements. But I have not read many of his threads and he reduced contributing from the time I started contributing on this site. My salutations to the deceased.
    always confident

  • #776302
    T.M. Sankaran was one of the expert members in the ISC platform. He contributed many valuable articles reflecting his expertise on the subjects, he dealt with. However, I did not go into details of his contributions except a few contributions.
    It was the last quarter of 2014, when I joined this site and had an opportunity to go through some of his contributions related to mathematical solutions. These contributions were really valuable to many readers having the appetite for the Mathematics.

  • #776328
    I had the privilege of being a contemporary member with Mr T M sankaran and he was an active member in this site. He contributed very knowledgeably and responded to many forum posts in an effective manner.
    There were some members in ISC and there are some members presently contributing whose contributions remain in our minds for a long time because of their quality and content.
    Presence of such members in this site is definitely a big motivating firce for many others.

    Knowledge is power.

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