Performance of students in rural areas
Recently a survey about the various capabilities (basic reading, Math, and English abilities, application of basic skills to everyday calculations, reading and understanding written instructions, and financial calculations in real life) of students in the age group of 14 to 18 is released in their Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) by the Pratham Foundation, an education-focused non-profit NGO. They have taken a survey of 34745 students (Govt as well as private schools) during 2023 in rural areas covering 28 districts across 26 states in India.As per the report, the reading abilities are slightly lower but in the Math and calculations area, it is improved as compared to the base year 2017.
This type of survey might be useful for strengthening the teachers for the segments where students are showing weakness. The results of such surveys could also be considered while implementing the NEP. Please share your opinion.