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    Why so many conflicts and wars going across the world?

    War is continuing between Russia and Ukraine. On the other side conflict between Israel and Hamaz activists is still going on and a ceasefire is not in sight. Apart from that there are confrontations at various places in the world either between the countries or within the country. What are the main reasons behind these conflicts? Is it a sign that we are gradually moving towards a world war situation? What are your thoughts about it? Please give your views.
  • #776658
    Most of the people across the world are peace loving. They do not want to offend others and at the same time they do not want any interference from outside in their lives. Still we are observing a lot of conflicts and confrontations across the globe.
    What I understand is that there are some leaders who are ambitious and want their country to expand and they create problems with their neighbouring countries. The desire of dominating others plays a crucial role in this process.
    There are some communities which have got a fighting instinct in them and they search some excuse for it. They are the main reasons for the various disturbances being created in this world.
    It is also a fact that if someone attacks us then we have to defend ourselves as well as give a proper answer to that offending entity. All that starts a confrontation.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #776665
    The author is very correct. The present situation is in such a way that another world war is inevitable. Many countries facing problems with neighbouring countries and some countries using this as a chance and trying to take advantage of the situation.
    In my opinion, the main reason for this situation is the desire for power. Some countries are trying to establish themselves as superpowers in the world. In that pursuit, they are trying to see that some of the countries which are competing with them will become weak.
    But war is not good for anybody. All the countries participating in the war will spend a lot of money for this destruction and their country will not come out of this loss easily. So one should try to get amicable solution and see that all the countries will progress and good international relations are maintained. Then we will see a progressing world.

    always confident

  • #776678
    The present situation is alarming since many countries under the stress of ongoing war and there is no evidence of ending the same. War has definitely put not only under panic to the war affected countries but the other countries, too, are affected due to the polluted air containing poisonous gases and chemicals affecting the health of the people to a considerable extent.
    However, the countries engaged in such wars are not likely to take any preventative solution due to their egoistic attitude.
    They want to sustain their stands allowing the war to spread more vigorously to meet their selfish goals. A lot of lives and the national money are being wasted for no reason of any tangible benefit.
    The present situation can only be remedied with the intervention of the superpowers taking the war ravaged countries taking them into confidence to end the crisis.

  • #776702
    I will like to add that some scholars and thinkers believe that until the poverty across the word is not eradicated there will always be fight for money and material. When such fights take place between countries or big entities then war becomes inevitable. I do not say that poverty and unemployment are the only factors which are the root reasons of conflicts and confrontations in the world but they are the two major ones.
    Some bad elements who want to make money through evil means mislead and misguide the unemployed and poor people and mould them in becoming terrorists or fighters just by paying their families some money. That is a very dangerous trend and many governments across the globe are fighting with that menace.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #776830
    So far these fights and conflicts are limited to certain pockets across the globe. They should not spread to other places.
    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

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