Thread of the Fortnight contest- 16th to 31st Jan '24- Winners!
With the hope that the new change in the Forum section announced by Tony sir will help in rejuvenating the section, we are now announcing two Special Prizes for the Thread of the Fortnight contest for the period 16th to 31st Jan '24. And, the winners are-1. Sankalan Bhattacharya for his thread Can they become domain experts? and
2. Dr. Sanchita Ranjan for the thread Practical knowledge is more important than bookish knowledge
The prize winners will receive a cash prize of Rs 40/- each with 40 points.
C'mon, buck up everyone! Let us put our hands together to bring back the Forum to its glory days.
An important note for all- Please do remember that while topics and ideas may be the same, it would be nice if we could raise threads that touch upon different aspects of such ideas and topics. Let our endeavor be to see a topic from different angles so that the feeling of repetition is avoided.