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  • Category: Improve Your English

    Rivers do not justify their name, like many

    There are people like that;-who do not justify their name either by their appearance or behaviour, actions or talks. For example, a person named Satyaseel may be talking lies always and never utter a word of truth. Sundar or Sundari may not be that good-looking. Suseel or Suseela may not be having any good behaviour or habits. Raj or Raja may be an underemployed or subordinate person. For that matter a Koteeswar may be living in penury.

    Today I miraculously found this truth in the case of Rivers. What do the name 'rivers' sound? Sounds as Reverse isn't it? But have you ever heard or known a river turns reverse? So that is it. Rivers do not reverse. Now you know. After all, what is in a name?

    Is there any category name for such names where the names do not justify the outcome or actions or appearance? Or they are just the opposite? Please break your heads to come up with similar real life examples.
  • #776819
    In some foreign countries, some streets are called down streets. But the streets are at the same height as all other streets. Why they are called down streets I don't understand. There are girls named as Saraswati. But they are illiterates. Probably the naming is done when they are just born and nobody knows what will be their future. Some people name their children based on their birth star. But when they grow up they will not have any characteristics that match with the name. A girl with the name Visalakshi ( Spacious eyes) may have very small eyes. One lady was named Santosham ( Happiness). But she was never happy. Like that, we will come across many people with names not match their characteristics or meanings. There are many people with the name Srinivas ( Rich man) but poor. I know a person whose name is Hanuman. Hanuman is very famous for his strength and boldness. But this man is very weak and does not have any boldness.
    In many cases, the name of the person is not an indication of his/ her name.

    always confident

  • #776826
    This is an interesting observation by the author. Similar sounding words having different and even opposite meanings.
    One such word that I have seen quite a number of times is 'whole' which rhythms well with 'hole'. There might be many other such combinations.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

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