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  • Category: General

    This year February to April are favourable to me.

    As I used to come with palindrome of numbers or small calculation with numbers in date I feel these two months are favourable. Again favourable is a term in probability too.

    Though I say a term of higher mathematics, these dates are only simple calculation only. 4th Feb of this year is a palindrome date. Likewise in different part of the world it is 2nd April as both are represented as 4224.

    Today's date is in a two table 12x2=24 and similarly 8x3=24, 6x4=24 are respectively in 3 & 4 tables being 8th March and 6th April.

    Multiplication tables equal to these three dates will come are 4th June, 3rd August and 2nd December too.

    People may come with such interestin dates of this year.
  • #776887
    Such dates will come every year. During some years such dates may be more and during some years they may be less. Next year 2025. So 5th February may give us such data 5225. If we mention the month first then 2nd May will be 5225. 5 X 5 =25. 5th May of next year will be 5525. So as per the author May of next month will be favourable to her. For the year 2026, 13th February will be 13 X 2 =26. So that year again February will be favourable to her I feel. 6th February will be represented as 6226. Again a palindrome. If the month comes first June 2nd will be palindrome. 6226. We may get many more such dates every year. The only thing is that we have to find them patiently.
    always confident

  • #776889
    Palindromic numbers are interesting to play with and are used by people in mathematical fun and games. There are many numbers that exhibit this peculiar property of appearing same when read left to right or right to left.
    In words also we have palindromes. For example 'madam' is a palindrome. One long palindrome is 'detartrated'. Even some sentences are there which read same from both the ends like - 'Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic.'
    Palindromes play a great role in recreational mathematics.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #776891
    As Dr. Rao Sir has already pointed out, such dates come every year. Many relations can be found in respect of dates, months or years. We used to get astonished about such dates-months -years relationships during our childhood, but not now.

    We must not give any importance on such combinations.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #776909
    @Partha this thread is not on favourite but on favourable. Dr.Rao has come out with dates and Umesh has come out with palindrome. It would be better if you could come out with favouable on the dates of multiplication of succesive months instead of childhood favourites. Anyhow thanks members. And I can see skeleton participation whenever mathematics is involved. Also it would have been more interested with any other dates from this year itself if any mathematical operators are involved.
    shasthranaam Ganitham moordhanisthitham

  • #776912
    Respected Madam Sarojah: My earlier comment was not against any member including you. I only stated that I no longer find such co-relation interesting. Every year, we can find many such dates which can be co-related by the numerologists or those who like to play with numbers.

    So far Maths-related threads/comments are concerned, long back (before my two-year suspension), I wrote an article proving 2=1. This article was deleted by an Editor, I still don't know why. Thereafter, I have lost interest in writing about Maths. Furthermore, it is very difficult for me to write mathematical symbols using the computer keyboard.

    So, nowadays I consciously avoid Mathematics.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #776915
    Thanks @Partha. After my previous response I myself thought of some dates and found these two 10 th December (12th October) in other format 10122024 where date & month together is half of year. 2024/2=1012. Similarly 5th of June (6th of may in other format) 0506x4=2024 that date and month together is one fourth of year.
    shasthranaam Ganitham moordhanisthitham

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