Take a Leap, get rewarded!
2024 is a leap year. That means we have an extra day this year, with 29 days this month. Isn't it exciting to have an extra day to take a leap and do something that is perhaps, exciting, fruitful, something new, something unique...Here's an opportunity to take that leap!
What you have to do: Submit a write-up in a response to this thread focused on taking a leap in the field of academics/education. You can write on the topic in a generalized way (the way you submitted entries for the earlier topic-of-the-month reward program). It can even be something funny and not necessarily serious; or something personal in a sort of autobiographical way. For example, something you would want to leap into, such as taking up a unique course, enrolling in a skill development training program, accepting an unusual job, etc. You can edit the text at any time to change the internal link, correct mistakes, etc but won't be able to do so once the thread is locked after the closing date.
Simple rules-
1. A member can submit only one entry. It should be in English, and must be related in some way to the field of academics/education. The entry should be a general write-up, and not a creative writing attempt, such as a story or poem. No references to war, crime, medications, and the like will be allowed.
2. Within the text you must give one link either to a course page or to any relevant Topic-page in the Knowledge Centre. Do not give more than one link.
3. The write-up should not exceed 250 words. A couple of words extra, if you really need to put them in, will be permitted.
The rewards: The best write-up will be rewarded with 20 points and 20 cc, the second best with 15 points and 15 cc, and a few other entries may get enhanced points and cc as well.
[Updated on 16th Feb.- We will give a few extra points as a bonus if a good title is added to the entry.]
The last date to submit your entry is 24th February 2024. Do not submit your entry in a rush to be the first! Think of something unique to write about.
Go on, members and editors...take that leap!