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  • Category: Reward Programs

    Take a Leap, get rewarded!

    2024 is a leap year. That means we have an extra day this year, with 29 days this month. Isn't it exciting to have an extra day to take a leap and do something that is perhaps, exciting, fruitful, something new, something unique...

    Here's an opportunity to take that leap!

    What you have to do: Submit a write-up in a response to this thread focused on taking a leap in the field of academics/education. You can write on the topic in a generalized way (the way you submitted entries for the earlier topic-of-the-month reward program). It can even be something funny and not necessarily serious; or something personal in a sort of autobiographical way. For example, something you would want to leap into, such as taking up a unique course, enrolling in a skill development training program, accepting an unusual job, etc. You can edit the text at any time to change the internal link, correct mistakes, etc but won't be able to do so once the thread is locked after the closing date.

    Simple rules-
    1. A member can submit only one entry. It should be in English, and must be related in some way to the field of academics/education. The entry should be a general write-up, and not a creative writing attempt, such as a story or poem. No references to war, crime, medications, and the like will be allowed.
    2. Within the text you must give one link either to a course page or to any relevant Topic-page in the Knowledge Centre. Do not give more than one link.
    3. The write-up should not exceed 250 words. A couple of words extra, if you really need to put them in, will be permitted.

    The rewards: The best write-up will be rewarded with 20 points and 20 cc, the second best with 15 points and 15 cc, and a few other entries may get enhanced points and cc as well.

    [Updated on 16th Feb.- We will give a few extra points as a bonus if a good title is added to the entry.]

    The last date to submit your entry is 24th February 2024. Do not submit your entry in a rush to be the first! Think of something unique to write about.

    Go on, members and editors...take that leap!
  • #776939
    Are the participants required to provide the title of their write-up?
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #776954

    Glad you asked. Thanks. I did not think of it! Participants can provide a title if they wish, and we can give a couple of bonus points for a good title. I will add this to the announcement.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #776956
    Do we need to use the phrase, "taking the leap" anywhere in the write-up or title?

  • #776958

    That is up to you. The entry should just clearly bring out the topic even if the phrase is not actually put in the text or the title. That is, the focus should be on the topic given in association with/related to the field of academics/education.

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #776979
    My humble submission:

    Title: She is going to take a giant leap in 2024

    In school, she was an above-average student. She used to get good marks, but nothing extraordinary. After her XIIth Board, she started preparing for college.

    She managed to get admission in a good college under Delhi University. She felt very happy in the new environment. Within a few months, she managed to attract the attention of her teachers. But her happiness did not last long.

    She could not attend classes in the college even for two years. Covid pandemic struck. Regular classes in college stopped. She started attending online classes. During the Covid period, she lost her paternal grandparents (due to age-related complications) and two of her close friends due to Covid. She was shocked by these deaths.

    She completed her Graduation with excellent marks. But she had taken resolve not to continue study in Delhi. She did not appear in the PG admission test in Delhi. Instead, after getting selected in another very good university in Western India, she took admission in that university and started living in the university hostel.

    Her mental faculties blossomed in that city. She stood first in her M.Sc. Examination. She also cleared the State Eligibility Test for PhD and lectureship in her first attempt.

    Her research proposal has been accepted and she has got herself registered in that university as a PhD scholar. The girl is now going to apply for Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship.

    Our Daughter, Pritha, is going to take a giant leap in 2024. She needs blessings from all.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #777014
    Title: Learn, get experience, and switch for better position

    Many students complete their education slowly and gradually attaining average scores and getting their educational degrees. So far so good but then the question comes what next. They simply start applying for vacancies around and find that though they are getting small jobs but not a good job of their choice or where they would immediately join if given a chance. Young people spend a lot of time searching for a good job and in many cases, it takes more than 3-4 years. It is also seen that even after that they don't get a good job and then are forced to join a small job.
    This is the situation in our country and in many other parts of the world that young people are facing today.
    In my view, I strongly feel that the average students who are unable to compete in tough competitive examinations should not be worried about it and immediately after completing their education, whatever it is, should go for any job small or big. They should leap forward in doing so because it is ultimately the job where a person starts learning the real practical things and processes in a workplace whether it is an industry or an organization or any company. The experience and learning obtained in that job is the real knowledge that helps a student to switch from a small job to a better job. Many successful people today have followed that route and I feel that it is worth trying.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777019
    A big leap in my life

    I have a liking for chemistry subject. When I was in high school, my uncle used to come and stay with us in our house. He was a chemical technologist and worked as a Manager in a chemical company. Once or twice, I visited their house. After seeing his lifestyle, I used to think that I should also study chemistry and work for a chemical company. I joined in B.Sc., even though I got a seat in B E in a good Engineering college. Chemistry is the main subject for me in B Sc. I joined M Sc (Chemistry) after completing B Sc with a good percentage.

    After completing M Sc, I went to my uncle's house and asked him about the job prospectus. He suggested I complete PhD so that I would get preference over other people to join R & D teams in chemical industries. My chemistry Professor used to tell me always not to go for a job without completing a PhD. Their suggestions had a big impact on my mind and I decided to go for a PhD. But I never wanted to burden my father. So, I told my professor that if I get a fellowship I will join a PhD. Luckily, I got a fellowship and joined in a PhD. That took a big leap in my life. From that day onwards I never looked back and I had a great career and enjoyed my profession. I got good recognition in my field of work.

    always confident

  • #777035
    Title: My aunt takes a leap for her daughter's admission

    My aunt approached me being in the education system for a suggestion when her daughter, that is my cousin couldn't meet the cut off for open quota in many colleges. I have taken to my college where I have done my graduation which is for rural women empowerment. Since it is after several years, all faculties of my period retired and, only one who took statistics for me which was allied subject in Maths department was HOD of Statistics department, I approached her and she felt that it has limited seats for open quota and she directed us to self finance seats. But mostly self finance will be filled either with recommendation of influenced persons or with some capitation fee for building/improvement for college.

    After, maybe, a month, Aunt called me and told that her daughter got seat and I am sure it is her leap to get it. She described, after my introduction, every day she visited the college all the way of about 25 to 30 kilometers and met everyone because earlier when we met the HOD, she said they may consider at the last minute of closure of admission. The seat is offered by the manager of self finance by seeing her daily visit and asked whether she could pay the fees (fees only) immediately as they have to close the admission, otherwise it would leave vacant without filling.

    shasthranaam Ganitham moordhanisthitham

  • #777037
    Title - Climax of Mummy's pleasure
    Rahul had seen the struggling days in his childhood. In fact, the entire responsibility of managing the household chores rested on his mother and apart from that she had to manage the social responsibilities due to the premature death of his father due to sudden breakout of the cholera in his native village when he was barely two years old.
    He was lucky enough to have a seat in an academy due to the employment of his mother as a domestic maid in the house of Principal Ravi Sir. He ultimately proved to be a Samaritan to Rahul to help him in his studies.
    Rahul ultimately secured admission in the AIMS Delhi because of his excellent performance in AIM's entrance test. He managed to bag a loan- scholarship from a local bank due to Ravi's efforts. Finally, Rahul secured his admission as a FRCS in the UK. This was really a surprising news for his mother. Rahul proceeded to the UK for his mission. After sometime, he learnt that his mom was seriously ill with the affliction of a heart disorder. Rahul visited to his mom without any delay. Rahul could see her beaming face though she looked tiresome. She whispered that her ambition to make her son a great surgeon had materialised due to the blessings of the Almighty. She was least concerned with her health issues. However, Rahul was pained to watch his ailing mother. Rahul could notice nothing but a hilarious happiness of his own mom.

  • #777085
    Title: The challenge of doing MA in Psychology

    After doing my UG degree I was wondering what subject to choose for my PG. At that time my subjects of liking were Geography and Psychology but I was not able to decide which one I should take for my PG course.
    In my under graduation, I got good marks in Geography but average in Psychology. From a common sense point of view I should had gone for Geography as I had more chances to score better there. Anyway, getting confused, I went to my teachers to help me in the matter. They advised me to go for Geography but from making a career point of view I was told that Psychology was a better choice. They also told me that it was not easy to score good marks in Psychology as it was an abstract subject.
    I considered all the options and asked myself - why I would not get good marks in Psychology? Cannot I do the required preparation? Filled with such inspiration I decided to go for Psychology and tried to do my best. Encouraged by my feelings I took a leap in the matter and prepared my notes and other studies devoting much time and the result was in my favour as I got good scores and topped my college in that subject in my MA.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #777101
    Pursuit of Happiness

    Initially, when I was through my undergraduate program, I relished teaching as my dream career especially as a lecturer/professor as I would love to coordinate and communicate at that time. Even though I took economics as my core curriculum I was passionate about the English language thanks to the fascinating Shakespeare classes by the then professor. I changed my dream to become an English lecturer as it is a rewarding career with summer and winter breaks too, yet efforts outweigh the benefits, I feel at present. I was trapped by circumstances, unable to realize my dream career when I got married before my Bachelor of Arts final year results were announced.

    A couple of decades passed, and my kids were in professional courses. With my abandoned career dream, and middlescence confusion/frustration at 40+ years of age, I started looking for ways to make my life countable. I was inspired, rather influenced by my kids to get into my second innings to join a four-month certificate course in medical transcription, which was emerging as a lucrative career then and I came out successfully as a quality analyst in MT over a while. It was a period of evolution revealing my identity, unearthing my abilities and passion, and breaking down barriers of inhibition, I should say.

    Despite being rewarded with these in and out learning experiences, due to personal commitments I changed over to blogging/writing as my passion. Presumably, this is my cup of tea, however, certainly my pursuit of happiness.

  • #777107
    Title: A Brave Leap into the World of Learning

    In the Indian education system, most of the students follow the usual path. They always want to study what other students study. Similarly, they want to make a career in the field that other students want. But Ali is different. He wants to take a brave step into something new and exciting in education.

    Ali has always been curious about things that are not usual. He always looks stranger to others. Like, instead of studying regular subjects, he wants to learn about philosophy, where people think about life.

    Education is not just about learning for him. He wants to learn to solve real-life problems. He always wants to research the new thing and wants to help the society with his knowledge.

    It looks scary but it is impossible to stop Ali from doing his work. He is excited to see what he can discover and where is his destination. He believes that by being brave and following his interests, he can make a difference and maybe even change the way people think about education in India.

    I think it is the most important objective of education that every student must develop his skills in the field of his interest. If all students leap into the world of learning like Ali, our education system will become exciting for all the students.

    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #777114
    Title: Success never comes with stagnation but leap

    Don't you think that 'taking a leap' is an encouraging idiom? Whenever it is said to somebody, it instils confidence and motivation in that person. Who else requires a push and some boost up more than any student? The students are the future, so they deserve some pumping up. They need encouragement, confidence, and belief in themselves to achieve their goal.

    Every student dreams, but they require proper guidance. Converting one's dream to reality leads to demanding tasks, but that's how success follows. The most important aspect a student must understand is that to dream about 'taking a leap' in one's educational career is different from actually doing so because it requires four P's. Planning, practice, patience and pain are four vital requirements for converting a leap into success. Going ahead in getting a proper education and making a career out of it is always a challenge for every student, so each student must have faith in themselves and an urge to reach their goal.

    Being young fellows, they feel pressure due to academics, peer and family expectations, which is normal. They need to focus on planning and practise accordingly to take a notch higher in achieving their ambitions. For a student to succeed needs motivation from every end, but it's usually missing. Thus, the students must ignore statements and actions that cause panic attacks and focus only on their aspirations by maintaining patience and taking pain. Taking a leap then will be easier and would script a success story.


  • #777115

    "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

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