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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    When a student leaves hometown for pursuing a course

    When a student gets admission in a course in an educational institution outside his hometown then one resides either in institute hostel or private accommodation outside. Whatever be the case the student experiences a big change in life because now he or she does not have the comforts of living in home and many things are missing like care of parents, availability of home made food, etc. Many students face difficulty in coping with this changed situation and feel home sick. Apart from that as they are on their own they have to plan their time properly and take decisions themselves. Some students are able to cope up with the changes while many others feel stressed and that sometimes affect their studies also.
    What are your experiences in this regard? How a student can overcome these difficulties? Please share your views.
  • #776988
    The author has raised a valuable point indicating how a student can manage his new course once he leaves his hometown to pursue his higher studies. Under that situation, he has to take a decision of his own for all the issues - be it studies, examinations or otherwise.
    The environment that he enjoyed in the association with his parents might not be available in the changed situation and that is the major drawback with his shifting from the family.

    However, the positive part of leaving residence is that he can apply his sense how to cope with the same considering the different factors to be utilized in the execution of the given task. With the progress of the time, a sense of confidence would develop. This would definitely prove to be the greatest asset to the student, as I think.

  • #776991
    It is very true that when the student leaves home and goes outside for pursuing some educational course then his environment is abruptly changed from the cozy home atmosphere to tough and difficult outside environment. All such students face this problem. Girl students face much more difficulties as they require much protection from the outside world where bad elements can create problems and inconveniences for them.
    Another danger in such cases is the new company in which the student is moving. Sometimes there are some people who have evil motives and students can get trapped in some bad situation. If parents are in continuous touch then they should periodically talk with their children to make them alert and cautious in such matters.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #776995
    That is true. When we leave our family for the first time and stay separately in a room or a hostel, we will feel the difference a lot. Everything around will look strange and new. One has to manage everything on their own.
    At the same time, they will feel as if they are out of the cage and free to do anything. This feeling will bring them more responsibility and they will try to maintain themselves properly. That will give them more exposure to society and that will help them to attain maturity quickly. Their thinking will change and they think more maturely. Of course, some who are not very serious may feel happy and spend time money and easily and they may not come up well in their lives.
    Hostel life is something different and the environment there is entirely different from our family life. Staying alone in a private room is a different experience. Hostel life will give us much understanding about the people and their behaviours.

    always confident

  • #776997
    When I left my home long back for going to another city for my PG course then in the beginning I had much problems but somehow I managed that tough time and could complete my course.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #777000
    It is a very relevant topic for discussion. I attended my school, college and first university from my home in Calcutta (now Kolkata). So, I could not understand the value of staying in a hostel. I went to a hostel for the first time in the Railway Training School as a Trainee. I faced lots of problems there in the initial four to five months. Later, I learned to adjust myself and even started loving the hostel life.
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #777044
    This topic is a new to the present situation as standard schools are available in every small villages or towns, leaving home town for education is very minimum. Moreover there are schools situated in big towns are having buses to pick up and drop the students to their native village. When went to a temple village located in the outskirts of Madurai, I saw there are four to five buses dropping students from Madurai city. I just wondered by seeing such development as I was going to that village temple during my college days where the city bus itself only plying four to five per day.
    Staying in the hostel of college or school are, nowadays, meant for those parents wants to admit their children in the school/colleges located in the other state. During my college period, say in 1974, one of my classmate, Ganapathi Subramanian, came from Calcutta, another Purushotham Patel from Ahmedabad, another, Ambarish from Mysore as their parents are in transferable jobs.

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