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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    What would you prefer - to write an article or to give a detailed answer in Knowledge Centre?

    Subsequent to incorporation of 'Knowledge Centre' in ISC the members who are contributing have two options to contribute for submission of some detailed educational information. First is to write an article as usual and submit it in the article section. Second is to write a detailed write-up for a particular question or query in the Knowledge Centre. One can post as per one's convenience and liking. There are members who are even contributing in both the sections.
    What is your preference? Which one you feel more comfortable and convenient? Please share your experiences.
  • #777021
    Nowadays I am feeling extremely lethargic to write anything. However, I feel that any reply to any topic of Knowledge Centre has better chance of being reviewed comparatively early. The article submitted is inordinately delayed both in IndiaStudyChannel and in SocialVillage (sister website).
    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #777022
    The efforts required for writing an answer to a topic in the Knowledge Centre are in no way less than the efforts required for writing an article. We have to provide HTML tags for the headings and subheadings. We have to provide HTML for bullet points and numbers given to the points in the answers. We have to provide links to the internal pages of the site and links to external sites also in the answers to the topics in Knowledge links. However, the points and cash credits given for answers in the knowledge centre are less compared to the points and cash credits given in articles. The CC and Points given to an article may even go up to 70 whereas the answer in KC will get a maximum of Rs,25 to Rs.30/-(Maximum). That is why I feel many members prefer to post an article rather than an answer to a topic in KC. This is my observation. That is the activity in the Knowledge Centre has come down a lot.
    always confident

  • #777023
    I feel equally comfortable in both the sections but main problem for me is sparing time and my old age health. We can earn good points and cc in both the places and if I remember correctly the points in knowledge centre are doubled for consideration for RSB which makes it attractive for contributing.
    I agree with Dr Rao that time and efforts for contributing are same for both the places.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777024
    One enjoys a bit more space while writing an article, but you need to be specific when you are answering a query. And I think that is an important difference. As said by Dr Rao, both the exercises need almost similar efforts, but the responsibility is more when it comes to answering a KC query. Articles are more descriptive and we may add additional related inputs while that is not required in KC answers. And that difference will be visible in the way articles and KC answers are reviewed too. So, whether to contribute to articles or to KC section depends entirely on one's interests as a writer and guide. As for the cash credit part, I don't think a KC answer if posted as an article will have such a huge margin as said by Dr Rao.
    'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all'.

  • #777025
    As far as I understand, the points obtained in KC are not doubled for RSB calculation. In earlier months, the points obtained in the article section were doubled for calculating RSB. But now it is not the way. There is no system of doubling now even in the Articles sections also. I suggest Umesh open the link given below. All points obtained in KC, Articles and Forum sections will be considered for RSB.
    Changes in Revenue Share Bonus from June 2023

    always confident

  • #777030
    I also feel that efforts for writing an article or answering a query in KC are almost same.
    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #777032
    Dr Rao, yes, I have gone to that link. There is no specific mention of doubling the KC points for calculation of RSB. Thanks for bringing clarity in the matter.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777042
    Frankly, I have lost all my interest now because you get nothing for all the time you spent in writing all these long answers or articles. There were times when writing was rewarding and people enjoyed it a lot. Nowadays, it is pure modern day slavery at its worst. You are getting nothing for your creativity these days, which makes it one of the worst way to earn money online. With all the technological advancements because of AI tools, writing has lost all its charm. Many people are already looking for some alternative ways to earn rather than wasting their time writing something, which nobody will read.
    Humble yourself or life will do it for you!

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