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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    How to fix the improper paragraph alignment in my article?

    This is regarding my article published today in which the last two paragraphs have been improperly aligned to the left. I am unable to fix it properly. I request the ISC admin/Editors/members to make it clear on how to fix the issue.
    I hereby attached the article link for reference.
  • #777178
    Madam, I think you have not closed the tag used in the Documents/files required. Please check and close the OL / UL tag properly. I think the problem will automatically solved once the tag is closed. Please do it and check again.
    Honesty is the best policy.

  • #777179
    After seeing the article by opening the link, I think that there is something wrong with closing the HTML tags. For bullets and numbers, you might have used HTML tags. All HTML tags you have opened should be closed at an appropriate place as per your requirement. If there is anything wrong with that, this type of problem will crop up.
    Please click on the edit button and verify whether all the tags opened or closed properly or not. Even a small deviation will also cause some errors like this. You may have to take the help of a person who has good knowledge about these HTML tags.

    always confident

  • #777181
    Earlier I also had these problems and some other problems while formatting my article using HTML tags. I referred some HTML language sites and found a way to deal with it.
    While writing the article we have to write each of the HTML tags in separate rows so that they are easily seen during edit. By doing so we will remember to close them. It becomes confusing when nested loops are put there.
    Once edited then one can remove the gap between the tags and text before submitting the content.
    Another good idea is to use 'p' tag before and at the end of each para.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #777205
    In ISC site following link is very helpful in the help section for removing any doubt that we get in using HTML tags. One can go through that if needed. I have been benefited by that content when I was a new comer to this site.
    HTML tags - how to use them

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777252
    I would like to thank you all for your timely response to my thread. As Dr. Rao mentioned above, just a simple unnoticed tag closing made the issue complicated, and I corrected the relevant HTML tag closing after going through the article once again. Mostly, I take time to check the HTML tags twice, however, it sometimes goes unnoticed even though double-checked.

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