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  • Category: General

    Teaching is a two way process

    Seeing a video or listening to an audio is not as effective as directly listening to a lesson delivered by a teacher in a classroom. What is the reason? My answer to this is that teaching is not a one-way process. Just going on telling the lesson is not the purpose of teaching. That is why many people say teaching is a two-way process.

    A teacher should keep this in mind and prepare the lesson plan. A teacher may be an expert in a language and may have an excellent vocabulary. But the lesson he delivers is to be understood by a common student. So a teacher should think about the level of the student and teach using simple words and normal grammar. Then only a perfect process of teaching will take place.

    I hope all the learned members of this site will agree.
  • #777291
    Before the advent of online digital medium for learning we had books and guide books available for studying ourself. Even keys and solutions were available in the market for the text books. Inspite of that we went to school and college where teacher taught us in an interactive mode which made learning a smooth process.
    That holds true today also. Though there are good audio visual facilities available and people are going through online courses but the presence of teacher always adds immense value to the lesson. The presence of teacher ensures that student's mind will not distract from the studies and he will be attentive as teacher will be continuously interacting with the students. In earlier times the fear of being caught by teacher was so much hovering over the heads of the students that they did not dare to shift their minds to things other than the black board and the teacher in front of them.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777325
    In online education portals also those portals are becoming more and more popular in which a teacher is explaining the things in details and then asking students to do some homework or to solve some problem in his virtual presence. The presence of teacher whether it is physical or virtual adds value to the lesson.
    If a teacher is not present in a lesson plan a student may loose his momentum soon and his mind may distract here and there which will affect his learning and studies.
    I also agree that earlier it was a two way process but now as the course material and lesson plans are available online the teacher's presence is not mandatory.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #778108
    Teaching is a two-way method that involves active engagement and participation from both educators and learners. While educators impart knowledge, facilitate discussions, and provide guidance, learners play an equally important role by asking questions, sharing insights, and actively participating in the learning process.

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