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  • Category: General

    Relevance to the topic is a primary requisite in discussions

    We are all getting involved in some sort of discussion during our careers. It may be a Group Discussion as a part of our job procurement or it may be a presentation in our office in connection with a project. The major requirement is to focus on the subject. All the points raised by us should be relevant to the topic given. Deviating from the main topic may be a negative aspect. So a participant should try to bring in as many new points as possible to support our views in the discussions. At the same time, if somebody is trying to negate our views, we should be able to confidently support our views. There should be logic in our points.
    We should bring in as many new points as possible to support our views on the subject given. Then we will attain the attention of the selectors and the chances of a positive result will be higher. I request all the members to add their views on this issue.
  • #777522
    A good post by the author. Relevance to the topic or subject is a very crucial and important aspect and if one does not adhere to it then the whole discussion becomes useless what to say of making conclusions.
    Another thing is that if a person does not stick to the core issue of a discussion then others get a feel of it and the reputation and knowledge of that person becomes affected and some people start not indulging with such people in discussions.
    We have to always keep the relevance of the subject in mind while taking part in discussions failing which our participation would be assumed as nil.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #777530
    In a healthy discussion the participants should not deviate from the main theme or topic. Beating about the bush or talking irrelevant will defeat the very purpose of the discussion.
    It is obvious that the participants should come prepared for any discussion and should have done their homework thoroughly.
    In panel discussions many times we see a particular participant deviating from the main theme and starting to talk something irrelevant. That is a poor show on the part of that participant and in fact exposes him to the audience.
    There are some people who are overconfident and participate in discussions without any homework and result is disastrous affecting their reputation. Such things are to be avoided if one wants to participate in a discussion positively for contributing and getting results.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777536
    It is a great reminder from the author's side. The group discussions from the different companies and other platforms are displayed to judge the creativity levels of the aspirants. Hence, the aspirants should not lag behind in showing off their potential under such circumstances.
    They should not retard the healthy flow of the discussions with a point - not relevant to the present topic. Alertness is the essential ingredient to be sustained during the GD Section. If there is a group of candidates comprising eight taking part actively in a discussion but one is a mismatch to the circuit, it would amount to more consumption of time due to the diversity of the topic. Hence the essential prerequisite is to remain alert and prudent during a discussion period.

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