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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Are you an animal lover?

    There are many stray animals roaming here and there in our localities, towns, and cities. Most of them are dogs, cats, pigs, and others. Many people offer them food and water and then they remain present in those places and recognise these animal lovers.
    On the other hand some people do not like these animals and complain to municipality or local administration for removing them from their areas.
    Some of these animals are sterlised by local administration to check their growth.
    Are you an animal lover? What is your take on this? Should we feed these helpless creatures or get them removed from our locality?
  • #777538
    In our colony also there are many stray animals like cats, and dogs but no pigs. Dogs are more in number. There is a lady in our colony who feeds them. So these dogs will be moving around that area only. Sometimes if any food is left out my wife will also be feeding the same to these dogs.
    As far as I am concerned I am not a pet lover but at the same time, I never hate them also. As long as they are not disturbing us we need not worry. We can tolerate them. But these dogs annoy some guests who come to the colony to see their relatives. That is a little problem. In our house, we used to have a tortoise. We had it for about 2 years. When our family went out of the station, we used to rely on somebody to feed these animals. So after some time, we left them in a pond near our house. My granddaughter says that we should have a dog in our house. But we are not going for it as we may face some difficulties when we have to go on camp.

    always confident

  • #777542
    In our locality, in Bokaro Steel City, we do have a large number of stray dogs and cats. From that time, we witness the presence of some group of monkeys often roaming in different localities. Some monkeys are bold enough to enter the premises of hotels sitting on a bench similar to the customers to have a cup of tea. They would not leave the bench unless they enjoyed the tea session.
    The presence of dogs roaming here and there is not troubling us except periodically when they are almost in the mood to attack if they glimpse that they don't belong to this locality. Their uninterrupted barking in the night is often a source of sleep disturbance but there is no way to get permanent relief.
    Of late, the management has taken a stand to sterilise these stray dogs to check the growth of unwanted dogs.

  • #777546
    In our society there are many animal lovers and they feed the stray animals especially to dogs near our premises. Some people object to it but they keep doing that.
    Stray animals are problematic in some areas and there are cases of dog bites and attacks by dogs on the children and due to that many people do not like them in their areas and complain to the municipality or the concerned office.
    Near the small restaurants and eateries we see a number of stray dogs sitting in the nearby lanes and when these shops throw the leftover food in dustbins these dogs eat that as well as spill that. It creates a lot of garbage in the lanes and roads nearby.
    Opinions of people differ in the matter of feeding these animals.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • #777552
    I can't say whether I am an animal lover or not. I do not have any pet animals at my home. But I always use a bird feeder to provide food grains and water for birds, especially in the summer season. I am scared of other animals like dogs, lizards, etc.
    Honesty is the best policy.

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