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  • Category: General

    A precis writing contest - Holi holidays creative action!

    Holi festival is nearing and a few holidays are on the anvil. I have conceived a precis writing contest for the interested ISC members during these Holi holidays.
    Precis writing is an academic activity and one has to go through the content and summarise it in one's own way without losing the theme of the particular content.
    I am attaching an essay 'Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change by Nathaniel Rich' which is about the climate change and is of 1320 word length. Let us try to write a precis of this essay limiting to only 150 words.
    Take your own time and go through the essay thoroughly before writing your precis as a response to this thread only. The best top entries will be honoured with virtual gifts from ISC gift gallery.
    The last date of submission of entries is 30th March 2024.

    ISC editor(s) can modify the contest, if so required, as required by the ISC guidelines and policies.
  • #777601

    Knowledge is power.


    Delete Attachment

  • #777603
    A good contest again from Umesh. I hope this contest will receive a good response from the members. Anyhow, one has to read the attached article and then we have to write the summary within the word limit given. Requires some time and effort. Before submitting my summary, I will wait for the remarks of the editors on this.
    always confident

  • #777607
    Umesh Sir has initiated another contest. In this connection, most humbly and respectfully I beg to submit that generally we have learnt to write precis' or summary which is roughly 1/3rd of the word-count of the given article. In this contest, the article has 1320 words. So, the word-limit of a ideal precis' should be 440 words (i.e. 1/3 of 1320).

    It would be very difficult for me to write a precis' of the given article in 150 words keeping intact the subject-matter and flavour of the given article.

    Umesh Sir may like to re-consider.

    (a) Those who have forgotten Noakhali, how can they protest Sandeshkhali?
    (b) Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ---------- Salvador Dali

  • #777609
    My understanding so far was that irrespective of the length of an article the precis should be limited to 150-300 words. I used that experience to mention the length of precis as 150 only.
    Your suggestion is also welcome but I feel that 1/3rd would be a too long precis and we can try to make it within 300 words.
    Other member can also give their opinion but from my side I would be changing it from 150 words to 300 words now. Hope that would be convenient for all the participants.

    Knowledge is power.

  • #777614
    I agree with Partha Sir. The summary can be 1/3 of the original document if we have to give complete details without missing any important points. If we have to make it in just 150 words, we may miss some points. But if the summary is interesting the individual may try to read the whole chapter.
    300 words are better than 150 words. It all depends on the purpose of the contest. It is to test the ability of the author to convey the message in a very small number of words or it is to convey the total information as precisely as possible in a reduced length. I prefer 1/3 of the original document.

    always confident

  • #777626
    Let us restrict to 300 words this time and if sufficient entries are received we would learn from it and gain experience for the future contests of same type and then if required, change it accordingly.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #777641
    I am putting this thread on hold as I planned to ask the admin. if I could conduct a contest for the festival of Holi. If the admin. is agreeable to have this as an official reward program, we will accordingly announce it separately with due modifications as required.

    Thanks, Umesh, for the germ of an idea for a contest!

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #777651
    The precis-writing contest has been announced- Celebrating Holi and Easter, and Umesh rewarded, as is the norm when we take up a thread's topic as an official reward program.

    We are hoping that we get at least 10 or more entries!

    When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment you create trust! ~ John C. Maxwell

  • #777654
    Thanks ISC for taking up and appreciating a simple idea and presenting it as a full-fledged contest.
    Knowledge is power.

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